August 01 - Parish Council Meeting

To: Cllrs.  Andy Halfhide (Chair), Andy Hallam (Vice Chair), Brian Branch, Debbie Hallam, Yvonne McCulloch, Lewis Trickey & Colin Gamble.

You are hereby summoned to a Langtoft Parish Council Meeting on

Tuesday 1 August 2023 at 19:00 in the Village Hall

The business to be dealt with at the Meeting is listed below.
S Gresty
The public and media are cordially invited to join this Meeting   
Public Forum: There will be a public forum starting at 7 pm and lasting for up to 30 minutes when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements on items relating to the agenda below to the Council.  RULES FOR PUBLIC FORUM DEBATE ARE CONTAINED IN LANGTOFT PARISH COUNCIL STANDING ORDERS WHICH CAN BE VIEWED IN FULL ON THE WEBSITE 
A short information presentation from Deepings & Glinton Patient Participation Group by Peg Torrance.
23/24-69  Chairman’s welcome and remarks
23/24-70  Apologies: to receive any apologies for absence and reasons given.
23/24-71 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any requests for dispensations in respect of disclosable pecuniary interests’
23/24-72  Minutes: To approve the minutes of :
a) 27 June 2023 Parish Council Meeting
23/24-73  Items from previous minutes for information exchange
23/24-74 Casual Vacancies.  To receive, consider and resolve applications.
23/24-75 To receive reports from 
a)County and District Councillors 
i) update on 5g masts
ii) village gate location 
b)Police  Reports are received and circulated and made available on website/noticeboard upon receipt.
23/24-76  Working Group Reports
a) Amenities 
b) Cemetery 
c) Events 
d) Grapevine Magazine.
e) East End Park Pond Project 
f) Village Hall – Cllr. Halfhide as representative.  
g) Planning Issues To receive applications received since the last meeting
h) Penfield – To receive report .
a. The terms of reference of the committee.   To receive and adopt updated terms.
23/24-77 Finance & General Purposes : Financial matters presented by the Clerk as follows:
a) Financial Report for the period 01 April 2023 to 31 May 2023 with bank statements.
b) Resolve Payments as follows:
23/24-78 High Voltage Events inv 2223425 balance coronation 187.50
23/24-79 S Gresty clerk salary May
23/24-80 N Bright garden may salary
23/24-81 IONOS inv 530543807 3.00
23/24-82 Deeping Direct Ltd inv 36042 purchase containers 4320.00
23/24-83 Liz Jarman councillors expenses 16.87
23/24-84 A Harrison Naturehood donation 50
23/24-85 IONOS inv 203036271829 120.12
23/24-86 A Harrison bird feed Penfield 69.45
23/24-87 A Harrison clipboards Penfield open day 18.95
23/24-88 Langtoft Festival calendar sponsorship 150
23/24-89 Derick Risk internal audit 100
23/24-90 Chislet Hire harras fencing 264
23/24-91 IONOS inv 203036811890 3
23/24-92 Graytones Printers inv grapevine may/june 485.00
23/24-93 Bumps to 4 Craft supplies 42.61
23/24-94 Lillis Cakery Coronation cake 120
23/24-95 A Hallam Councillors expenses 161.99
23/24-96 N Bright Garden expenses/plants 180.24
23/24-97 A Harrison Penfield expenses 38.01
23/24-98 IONOS inv 203036811890 3
23/24-99 S Valentine Penfield expenses 61.92
23/24-100 Graytones Printers inv 34772 grapevine 485
23/24-101 Branch Brothers permissive path wood 346.96
23/24-102 Freshair Fitness inv 23389 deposit 6125.4
23/24-103 wave cemetery water to 4/7 16.39
23/24-104 BDG Mowing inv 23/1341 June grass 234
23/24-105 A Harrison Penfield expenses 78.96
23/24-106 A Hallam permissive bridge expenses 51.9
23/24-107 N Bright gardeners July salary
23/24-108 S Gresty clerk July salary
c) To Note Income
23/24-109 Refresh and Renew inv 23/02 grapevine 150.00
23/24-110 Unity Trust Bank bank interest 145.44
23/24-111 InCtrl IT support inv 23/04 grapevine 150.00
23/24-112 Stamford Bathrooms inv 23/03 grapevine 150.00
23/24-113 Jeremy Harrison inv 23/01 grapevine 83.33
23/24-114 Perkins Engines Penfield donation 200.00
23/24-115 Langtoft Road Race Penfield donation 250.00
23/24-116 Cemetery WP 90.00
23/24-117    To note Correspondence received from last meeting.  – see list below 
LCC drainage records
23/24-118  To receive Items for Future Meetings
LPC Emergency Plan.  To consider updating LPC’s Emergency plan
SKDC proposal for the management of the Langtoft Play Park and potential asset transfer -Cllr. Halfhide
Date of future meetings:  2023:  12 Sept, 28 Nov.   2024: 18 Jan, 5 Mar, 23 Apr, 28 May, 16 July,12 Sept, 
22 Oct, 26 Nov
Date From Whom Detail
21 Jun IONOS Invoice
21 Jun Resident Grass cutting complaint
21 Jun SKDC Planning S23/0799 decision
21 Jun Deeping Funeral Interment form
21 Jun Resident Parking issues at manor way
22 Jun S Valentine Penfield expenses
23 Jun SKDC Planning S22/2398 decision notice withdrawn
25 Jun SBA Agar receipt confirmation
25 Jun MPSF Pins process for hearings
26 Jun Pre School Request for xmas funding raising
26 Jun SKDC Planning S23/1164 applications
27 Jun SKDC Planning S23/1111 applications
27 Jun SK Community Awards replaces BKVillage
28 Jun Graytones Invoice grapevine
29 Jun SKDC Community awards
30 Jun SKDCComms Register defib.  The circuit
1 Jul Resident Allotment enquiry
1 Jul BDG Invoice june
1 Jul Freshair fitness Order confirmation and deposit invoice
6 Jul Branch Bros Invoice wood for bridge
14 Jul A Harrison Penfield expenses
14 Jul Fenland Leisure Invoice repair tape for parks
14 Jul Community Fund Lottery SK
14 Jul SKDC Climate change survey
16 Jul Microsoft Invoices
12 Jul SKDC Local Development scheme 23-26
18 Jul SKDC Election costs invoice
19 Jul Cllr Davies Nht survey and drainage records
19 Jul MPSF Notification of accompanies site inspections
19 Jul SKDC Planning S23/1254 applications
20 Jul SKDC Enforcement Update ENF 23/0050
21 Jul Ionos Invoices