October 24 - Parish Council Meeting

To: Cllrs.  Colin Gamble (Chair), Brian Branch (Vice Chair), Yvonne McCulloch, Kevin Payne 

Steve Valentine & Julian Tatam.

You are hereby summoned to a Langtoft Parish Council Meeting on

Tuesday 24 October 2023 at 19:00 in the Village Hall

The business to be dealt with at the Meeting is listed below.
S Gresty
The public and media are cordially invited to join this Meeting       
Public Forum: There will be a public forum starting at 7 pm and lasting for a maximum of 30 minutes when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements on items relating to the agenda below to the Council.  RULES FOR PUBLIC FORUM ARE CONTAINED IN LANGTOFT PARISH COUNCIL STANDING ORDERS WHICH CAN BE VIEWED IN FULL ON THE WEBSITE 
23/24-162  Chairman’s welcome and remarks
23/24-163  Apologies: to receive any apologies for absence and reasons given.
23/24-164 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any requests for dispensations in respect of disclosable pecuniary interests’
23/24-165  Minutes: To approve the minutes of:
a) 12 September 2023 Parish Council Meeting
23/24-166  Items from previous minutes for information exchange
23/24-167 Casual Vacancies.  To receive, consider and resolve applications.
23/24-168 To receive reports from 
a)County and District Councillors 
County Councillor Phil Dilks
District Councillors Vanessa Smith and RosemaryTrollope-Bellew
b)Police  Reports are received and circulated and made available on website/noticeboard upon receipt.
23/24-169 Finance & General Purposes : Financial matters presented by the Clerk as follows:
a) Financial Report for the period 01 April 2023 to 30 September 2023 with bank statements.
b) Bank Signatories.  To approve additional bank signatories for online banking.
c) Resolve Payments as follows:
        To Whom         Detail/£
23/24-170 Grantscape third party donation £850
23/24-171 N Bright gardener jul/aug expenses £29.03
23/24-172 Freshair Fitness inv 23579 balance £6125.4
23/24-173 Unity Trust Bank bank charges £18
23/24-174 A Harrison Penfield expenses £11.63
23/24-175 N Bright Gardener Sept salary
23/24-176 S Gresty Clerk Sept salary
23/24-177 HMRC Qtr. 2 Tax and NIC £669.2
23/24-178 Elizabeth Allen Inv. 1468 plan for village hall £180
23/24-179 Savills Inv.12791 allotment rent 10/10/23 £85
23/24-180 IONOS Inv. 203038209047 £3
23/24-181 BDG Mowing Inv. 23/1422 £234
23/24-182 Wavewater to 4/10/23 £18.34
d) To Note Income
From Whom £
23/24-183 Deeping Lions 289.13
23/24-184 Cllr. Trollope Bellew 125.00
23/24-185 SKDC 12250.00
23/24-186 LAGA 85.00
23/24-187 Cemetery 45.00
23/24-188 Andrew Hallam 45.00
23/24-189 Unity Trust Bank 176.77
23/24-190 Cemetery 90.00
23/24-191  Working Group current issues:
a) Amenities – 
i. Parks - signage, goal nets – action required
ii. Grass contract for 2024 – To receive, consider and agree continued contract with BDG Mowing at a small price increase of £6 per cut.
iii. Dog signs for Black Bull Green – To receive, consider and agree purchase of additional signs at a cost of £12 + VAT + Carriage.
iv. Defibrillator – replacement pads £62 + VAT each = Total £186+VAT
v. village gate funding
b) Events –  Christmas reindeer trail and collaboration with pre school

c) East End Park Pond Project – Pete Coles updated report
d) Village Hall 
To receive, consider and resolve quotations to instruct a solicitors to act on the behalf of Langtoft Parish Council to register the village hall and adverse possession land with the Land Registry
e) Penfield – to receive, consider and adopt updated:
i)Aims and Objectives
ii)Terms of Reference for the committee
iii) To receive, consider and resolve consent to apply for about £2600 of grant from the Augean Revenue and Small Capital Grant scheme to fund five wildlife information boards at Penfield.  Penfield need the formal approval of the PC although any shortfall will be met from within the Penfield budget allocation. There is no requirement for match funding or third party contribution as the request is for less than £5000.
f) Gritting winter 2024.  To receive, consider and resolve continuation of gritting contract with Kevin Johnson (Contractor) at £100 per visit + VAT (no increase) and to nominate 2 councillors to form the WhatsApp group for gritting decision in conjunction with Weatheronline.co.uk.
23/24-192    Planning  to receive any applications since the last meeting.
  • s23/1254 11 West End fell horse chestnut tree Responded pending
  • s23/1359 Old Langtoft Gravel pit south of Stowe road nonmaterial amendment sin relation to a change to design for plots 1-3 for s21/0676 amendment notification only approved
  • s23/1361 The Old Vicarage, 6 Bourne Road PE6 9NH Yew (T1) trim back by approx.. 2m cedar (T2) trim back overhanding branches by approx. 2m. Trim back lower branch by approx. 2m, English oak (T2) trim 2m to 3 m all over to remove the majority of dead wood but retaining shape, yew (T4) trim back lower overhanging branches by 22m,. yew (T5) trim back over lower overhanging branches to approx.. 1.5m to 2m sycamore (T6) as with T5 trim back to flower boarders, sycamore (T7 remove lower limbs encroaching the house to a height of 6m from the ground. Responded approved
  • s23/0103 Rectory Farm, Crown Farm and The Lodge 
  • s23/1601 45 Manor Close change of use of land to residential garden and erection of 2m high close boarded timber fence Responded pending
  • s23/1641 34 East End tree in CA section 211 notice removal of apple tree
  • Responded approved
  • S23/1863 1 Hyde Gardens Langtoft Erection of two storey extension and alterations
  • Awaiting response
23/24-193 SKDC Langtoft Pavilion Playing fields recent meeting update.
23/24-194 To note Correspondence received from last meeting.  
23/24-195  To receive Items for Future Meetings
LPC Emergency Plan.  Cllr. Gamble
Date of future meetings:  2023:  28 Nov.   2024: 23 Jan, 5 Mar, 23 Apr, 28 May, 16 July, 12 Sept, 
22 Oct, 26 Nov
Date From Whom Detail
23 Jul Resident Co option application
24 Jul SKDC Election cost invoice
25 Jul ICO Renewal confirmation
27 Jul PKF Littlejohn 22/23 accounts confirmation
28 Jul BHIB Insurance Endorsement wording on terrorism cover
29 Jul Resident Neighbour complaint
31 Jul Resident Co option enquiry
31 Jul Brittens Grass cutting invoice July
31 Jul Branch Bros Advice and credit note
31 Jul Resident Co option application
1 Aug Augean Community Successful funding decision
2 Aug Set in stone Memorial application JL
2 Aug ESet Renewal
2 Aug Hegarty Quotation for land registry
2 Aug Resident Co option request
2 Aug Andy Halfhide Resignation
4 Aug SKDC Community fund 
4 Aug SKDC Open space survey
4 Aug OnlinePlaygrounds invoice
7 Aug Resident Co option application
7 Aug LCC Civic service invite
8 Aug Cllr Lewis Resignation
8 Aug Resident Co option application
8 Aug BHIB Part of Clear group 
9 Aug Debbie Hallam Resignation
9 Aug SKDC Public spaces protection survey
9 Aug Cllr. T-Bellew Social housing complaint letter
10 Aug Andy Hallam Resignation
11 Aug SKDC Planning S23/1361 application
14 Aug Ligna Consultancy Tree inspection quotation
15 Aug SKDC Planning S23/1111 decision
15 Aug SKDC Planning S23/1359 decision
15 Aug ACR computer Invoices
16 Aug Microsoft Invoice 365
17 Aug LCC Digital inclusion survey
19 Aug Resident Help offered speed camera
23 Aug Planning Inspectorate MPSF order granting dev consent
24 Aug SKDC Communication strategy
25 Aug LCC Planning S23/0103, s23/0102 public hearing
30 Aug SKDC Planning S23/1361 decision
30 Aug Powerforpeople £10m community energy fund