August 17 - Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting

To: Cllrs. Colin Gamble and Kevin Payne.
You are hereby summoned to a Langtoft Parish Council Extra Ordinary Meeting on
Thursday 17 August 2023 at 19:30 in the Village Hall
The business to be dealt with at the Meeting is listed below.
Cllrs. Brian Branch & Yvonne McCulloch 
11 August 2023
23/24-119  Election of a Chairman
a) Signing of Declaration of acceptance of Office
23/24-120  Election of a Vice Chairman
a) Signing of Declaration of acceptance of Office
Public Forum: There will be a public forum starting at 7 pm and lasting for up to 30 minutes when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements on items relating to the agenda below to the Council.  RULES FOR PUBLIC FORUM DEBATE ARE CONTAINED IN LANGTOFT PARISH COUNCIL STANDING ORDERS WHICH CAN BE VIEWED IN FULL ON THE WEBSITE 
23/24-121  Apologies: to receive any apologies for absence and reasons given.
23/24-122 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any requests for dispensations in respect of disclosable pecuniary interests’
23/24-123 Casual Vacancies.  To receive, consider and resolve co option applications.
23/24-124 Finance - Cllr. McCulloch is the only remaining online Councillor signatory.  Cllr Branch is authorised to sign cheques.   
a) To consider to resolve to allow Debbie Hallam & Lewis Trickey, as current authorising signatories, to continue to authorise approved payments by the Parish Council until new signatories are mandated.
b) Proposal for new authorising signatories.  To consider additional signatories of Cllr. Gamble and Payne.
c) To consider and resolve addition 2hr per week to the Gardener/handman’s giving a total of 10 hrs per week to enable him to do additional tasks.
23/24-125 Public Meeting 29th August 7pm at which Cllr. Dilks, Cllr. Baxter, Cllr. Trollope-Bellew and Craig Spence, SKDC Assistant Director of Housing have been invited to attend to answer questions and to give information regarding the purchase by SKDC of the 12 houses off Stowe Road
23/24-126 Future of the Grapevine Magazine