2022 March 08 Parish Council Meeting
To: Cllrs. Andy Halfhide (Chair), Cllr. Andy Hallam (Vice Chair), Brian Branch, Debbie Hallam,
Yvonne McCulloch, Steve Valentine, liz Jarman and Lewis Trickey.
You are summoned to the Langtoft Parish Council Meeting on
8 March 2022 at 19:00
The business to be dealt with at the Meeting is listed below.
Sarah Gresty Clerk to the Council
The public and media are cordially invited to join this meeting
Public Forum: There will be a public forum starting at 7 pm and lasting for up to 30 minutes when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements on items relating to the agenda below to the Council.
21/22-211 Chairman’s welcome and remarks
21/22-212 Apologies: to receive any apologies for absence and reasons given.
21/22-213 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any requests for dispensations in respect of disclosable pecuniary interests’
21/22-214 Minutes: To approve the minutes of :
a) 22 November 2021 Parish Council meeting
b) 11 January 2022 Parish Council meeting
21/22-215 To receive Co-option application(s) and vote on applicant(s) to a vacant seat.21/22-216 To receive reports from
a) County and District Councillors
b) Police – police report circulated with agenda and available on website noticeboard.
21/22-217 Finance & General Purposes : Financial matters presented by the Clerk as follows:
a) Financial Report for the period 01 April 2021 to 28 February 2022
Note Payments as follows:
21/22-218 A Harrison, Screwfix expenses for Penfield £19.99
21/22-219 Wave Water to 4/1/22 DD £17.07
21/22-220 N Bright January salary
21/22-221 S Gresty Clerk January salary
21/22-222 N Bright February salary
21/22-223 S Gresty Clerk February salary
21/22-224 S Gresty Clerk expenses Oct – Dec £237.11
21/22-225 ACR new laptop and transfer of data £705
21/22-226 Graytones – Penfield signs £34.56
21/22-227 Deeping Direct invoice 23537 £180.00
21/22-228 N Bright October expenses £64.85
21/22-229 Internal transfer £4,000 to current account
21/22-230 Branch Brothers inv. 092555 Penfield expenses £23.63
21/22-231 A Hallam Councillors expenses £161.99
21/22-232 Kevin Johnson inv. 2595 £600.00
21/22-233 Elderwood Tree Care inv. 634 £1400.00
21-22-234 A Harrison bird food Penfield £51.95
21/22-235 S Boardman repayment error £10
21/22-236 DT Windows inv. 23290 £50
21/22-237 Deeping Direct inv. 24316 £144
21/22-238 N Bright Planter expenses £55.09
21/22-239 A Harrison Penfield expenses £34.31
To note Income
21/22-240 Scholes interment £180.00
21/22-241 Village skips. To reinstate this twice a year – Cllr. Halfhide.
21/22-242 Working Group Reports
- Penfield
- To receive an updated Report.
- Retrospective planning permission required for the container – Cllr. Dilks
- Cemetery
- Amenities – to receive report from Cllr. Andy Hallam
- Grass Cutting Contract to receive and resolve quotes from contractors for 2022 grass cutting.
- Permission footbridge and path – update
- Langtoft Festival donation for basket ball hoop £150 and bike rack £120
- Village Gate update
- New Play equipment quotations
- Maintenance Issues
- Events:
- The Queens Platinum Jubilee 2nd June 2022
- To confirm village Litter Pick date of Sunday 20 March 2022 10-12 noon.
g) Planning Issues: To receive planning applications.
i) s22/0375 Land to South of Stowe Road, Langtoft, Erection of 6 dwellings with associated garages and driveways
21/22-243 Defibrillators update – Cllr. Andy Halfhide
21/22-244 Recruitment and councillor surgeries
21/22-245 Date of Annual Parish Meeting.
21/22-246 To note Correspondence received from last meeting. – see attached pages below
- Langtoft WI request for funds – To Resolve a donation request
- Bumpsto4 use of EEP for easter egg hunt – To resolve permission request
- FOLS - Friends of Langtoft School To resolve request for a donation towards funds needed for the Easter Egg Hunt of £100.
21/22-247 To receive Items for Future Meetings
- Standing Orders To Resolve Amendments to Standing orders following audit to: Page 16 to increase authorise payments to £500, Page 18 to remove para. 12e this refers to Councils below income & expenditure of £25k per year, Page 24 to remove para. 20a this refers to Councils below income & expenditure of £25k per year
Date of future meetings: 2022: 18 May (Annual Meeting), 28 June, 23 August, 11 October, 22 November.
21/22- 246 Correspondence
Date |
From Whom |
Detail |
Date |
From Whom |
Detail |
04-Jan |
SKDC Planning |
S21 2501 application |
01-Feb |
Community housing |
06-Jan |
New Resident |
Allotment enquiry |
02-Feb |
SKDC Planning |
S21 0728 decision notice |
07-Jan |
SKDC Highways |
Temporary traffic restriction |
02-Feb |
Elderwood Trees |
Invoice |
08-Jan |
Police report |
02-Feb |
Resident |
Thank you |
12-Jan |
Kelham Cook |
Jan report |
03-Feb |
Quote for grass cutting |
12-Jan |
Graytones |
Grapevine print costs |
04-Feb |
WalkinginEngland |
Information |
12-Jan |
Branch Bros |
Invoice 092555 |
04-Feb |
Jubilee newsletter |
12-Jan |
Unity Bank |
Bank statements to 31 Dec |
05-Feb |
Bumps24 |
Permission request EEP |
12-Jan |
Wave |
Water bill to 4 1 22 |
07-Feb |
Unity Bank |
Bank statements |
12-Jan |
Unity Bank |
Bank statements |
07-Feb |
Annual sub invoice |
19-Jan |
County views |
08-Feb |
DT Window |
Invoice |
19-Jan |
Deeping direct |
Invoice |
11-Feb |
S21/2452 decision notice |
21-Jan |
Lang.WI |
Request for funding |
14-Feb |
L Primary School |
Request for info |
21-Jan |
Stamford Arts |
Cinema sch. Jan-mar |
15-Feb |
SKDC Planning |
Decision notes s21/2206 |
24-Jan |
Resident |
Parking issue |
15-Feb |
Resident |
Tree over pavement |
27-Jan |
M McMahon |
Safer together newsletter |
16-Feb |
Deeping direct |
Invoice |
31-Jan |
Annual training scheme |
18-Feb |
Langtoft Primary |
Roman history request |
31-Jan |
Bitterns |
Grass quote |
21-Feb |
Resident |
Parking complaint cc PCSO |
31-Jan |
Kevin Johnson |
Invoice gritting |
22-Feb |
Local group |
Park request |
01-Feb |
A Hallam |
Councillor expenses |
22-Feb |
SKDC Planning |
S22/0375 applications |
24-Feb |
Resident |
Co option applications |