2022 November 22 - Parish Council Meeting

To: Cllrs.  Andy Halfhide (Chair), Andy Hallam (Vice Chair), Brian Branch, Debbie Hallam, Yvonne McCulloch, Steve Valentine, Liz Jarman, Lewis Trickey & Martin Lauridsen.
You are summoned to a Langtoft Parish Council Meeting on
Tuesday 22 November 2022 at 19:00 in the Village Hall

The business to be dealt with at the Meeting is listed below.
S Gresty


The public and media are cordially invited to join this meeting                                                
Public Forum: There will be a public forum starting at 7 pm and lasting for up to 30 minutes when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements on items relating to the agenda below to the Council.  

Short presentation from Keir Dawson, Anglian Water Stakeholder Engagement & Communications Team.  Information regarding the strategic pipeline. A map of the route of the new water mains is here: https://ang.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=4f1e69f1f95a4ebb9b27e6e0d4715c5b.

22/23-123  Chairman’s welcome and remarks

22/23-124  Apologies: to receive any apologies for absence and reasons given.

22/23-125 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any requests for dispensations in respect of disclosable pecuniary interests’

22/23-126  Minutes: To approve the minutes of :
a)    31 October 2022 Extra Ordinary Parish Council meeting

22/23-127  Matters Carried forward from these meetings:
i)    Councillor Responsibilities Map of Areas of Responsibility – Cllr. Halfhide
ii)    5g masts – Cllr Dilks any further information to report

22/23-128 To receive reports from
a)County and District Councillors
b)Police      police report circulated with agenda and available on website noticeboard.
Police priority setting feedback due 1 Dec 2022

22/23-129  Working Group Reports
a)    Amenities – To receive report from Cllr. Andy Hallam
i)    To receive, consider and resolve quotations for adult gym equipment – Cllr. Liz Jarman
ii)    To receive, consider and resolve Grass Cutting Contract review for 2023- Clerk
iii)    To review Gritting contract for winter 22/23
iv)    Defibrillators – update on connection and commissioning of outstanding units
v)    To receive and sign the 10 year Permissive Path Agreement.

b)    Grapevine Magazine.  To discuss the appointment of a new Editor.  Job Description

c)    East End Park Pond Project – Update by Pete Coles

d)    Face Book – Update Review

e)    Village Hall – Cllr. Halfhide to report update from meeting.

22/23-130 Civility & Respect Pledge and Revised Code of Conduct
To consider and resolve adoption of the upgraded Code of Conduct and signing of the National Association of Local Council’s Civility and Respect Pledge.  These documents can be found in draft form on the website   
i)    Adopt Code of Conduct
ii)    Sign up to the Pledge    

22/23-131 Finance & General Purposes : Financial matters presented by the Clerk as follows:    

a)    Financial Report for the period 01 April 2022 to 31 August 2022 with bank statements.

b)    To receive Half Year Audit report

c)    To receive Draft Budget and precept proposals.

d)    To consider, discuss and resolve Donations to

i)    Naturehood project £50

ii)    Kings Coronation Event budget £500-£1000

e)    To confirm NJC salary pay awards to be back dated to 1 April 2022 in accordance with employee contacts.
Gardener Scale 3 £10.82 per hour
Clerk Scale 8 £11.84 per hour

Resolve Payments as follows:
22/23-132 Unity Trust Bank charges £18
22/23-133 N Bright expense £23
22/23-134 S Valentine penfield noticeboard £472.80
22/23-135 BDG Mowing inv 22/1222 £220
22/23-136 Savills inv 12791 allotment £85
22/23-137 J Tatam Penfield expenses £8
22/23-138 Wave inv 11112574 cemetery water £16.10
22/23-139 Play Inspection co East end park Rospa £90
22/23-140 A Harrison Penfield expenses £46.56
22/23-141 S Valentine noticeboard exp £202.78
22/23-142 LALC inv 12945 training £12
22/23-143 N Bright gardener Oct salary
22/23-144 S Gresty Clerk Oct salary
22/23-145 P Coles Pond project expenses £48.53
22/23-146 LALC inv 12928 £36
22/23-147 Graytones inv 33702 Penfield exp £78
22/23-148 Deeping Direct inv 30553 £192
22/23-149 N Bright flower expenses £116.97
22/23-150 PKF Littlejohn audit inv SB20223658 £240
22/23-151 BDG Mowing inv 22/1246 £220
22/23-152 Y McCulloch events expenses £87.83
22/23-153 A Hallam councillor expenses £56.6
22/23-154 Graytones inv 33920 – grapevine £530
22/23-155 St Michaels PCC Christmas tree £10
22/23-156 Royal British Legion poppy appeal £90

Note Income as follows:
22/23-157 Cemetery EROB 129 £45
22/23-158 SKDC precept £12,250
22/23-159 Cemetery EROB 123-126 £225
22/23-160 LAGA £85
22/23-161 UPP broadband grapevine advert £84
22/23-162 Carltons EROB 129 £240
22/23-163 Carltons EROB 127 & 128 £450
22/23-164 SKDC cleaning grant £463.32
22/23-165 Cemetery EROB 130 & 131 £135

21/22- To note Correspondence received from last meeting.  – see below
a)    Cab Request for funds

21/22- To receive Items for Future Meetings
Village skips – include on February agenda
New Code of Conduct

Date of future meetings:  2023: 10 Jan, 21 Feb, 4 April (Annual Parish), 16 May (Annual Parish Council), 27 Jun, 1 Aug, 12 Sept, 28 Nov.   2024: 18 Jan

Correspondence since last meeting
Manor Way Playing Fields land registry and discussion with SKDC

22 Sept    PI Inspection    BBG Rospa report                                               15 Oct    Resident    Cemetery interment payments
23 Sept    Savills    Invoice                                                                            16 Oct    BDG Mowing    Invoice
23 Sept    SKDC    Proposed council tax support                                         17 Oct    Set in Stone    Memorial application
30 Sept    PKF Littlejohn    Audit                                                                   17 Oct    LALC    Invoice
1 Oct    BDG Mowing    Invoice                                                                     19 Oct    Graytones    Invoice
3 Oct    PECS    Quotation for signs                                                              19 Oct    SKDC Planning    S22/1682 decision notice
3 Oct    Graytones    Quotation for signs                                                       19 Oct    Resident    Parking issue
3 oct    Caloo    Quotation for gym equipment                                               20 Oct    Deeping Direct    Invoice
4 Oct    UPP Broadband    Grapevine advert request                                   20 Oct    SKDC Planning    Local development scheme 22-25
4 Oct    Graytones    Printing prices                                                              20 Oct    PKF Littlejohn    Agar completion certificate
5 Oct    MD Town C    Civic invitation                                                            20 Oct    Chad Copestake    Memorial applications
5 Oct    Police     Monthly report                                                                    20 Oct    SKDC Planning    S22/1429 decision notice
6 Oct    Lincs Police    Priority setting meeting                                               24 Oct    CAB    Request for funding
7 Oct    Resident    Interment request                                                            25 Oct    SKDC Planning    S22 1847 applications
7 Oct    SKDC Planning    S22/1895 applications                                          28 Oct    SKDC    Grant payment remittance
7 Oct    SKDC    Remittance 2nd half of precept                                           28 Oct    SKDC Planning    S22 1895 decision notice
10 Oct    TSG     Lincs bus service update                                                    31 Oct    LCC    TTRO TTR002358 road closure
10 Oct    SKDC Planning    Decision notice s22/1613                                    31 Oct    SKDC    Cost of living warm space
10 Oct     SKDC Planning    S22/1977 applications                                         1 Nov    Police    Future of policing survey
10 Oct    Unity bank    Statements                                                                   1 Nov    Pension Regulator    Letter for workforce
11 Oct    PI Inspection report    EEP                                                                4 Nov    SKDC    Cost of living leaflet
12 Oct    Advert Enquiry    Grapevine                                                              4 Nov    SKDC    Remittance for precept
12 Oct    SKDC Planning    S22/1949 application                                            4 Nov    Resident    Report on pavilion park damage
13 Oct    SKDC Planning    S22/1989 application                                            4 Nov    Police    Policing qtr briefing
14 Oct    PI Inspection    Invoice                                                                       4 Nov    SKDC    Precept band d base line
14 Oct    Power4people    New government legislation                                    4 Nov    A Hallam    Expenses
14 Oct    P Coles    Expense EEP pond                                                            5 Nov    BDG    Invoice grass
                                                                                                                          8 Nov    Police    PCSO monthly report
                                                                                                                          9 Nov    Graytones    Invoice grapevine
                                                                                                                           9 Nov    SKDC    Vacancy pre election info