February 20 - Parish Council Meeting

To: Cllrs. Bev Farrington (Chair), Brian Branch (Vice Chair), Yvonne McCulloch, Colin Gamble, Julian Tatam, Steve Valentine, Kevin Payne, Liz Jarman & Emma Williams
You are hereby summoned to the Langtoft Parish Council Meeting on Thursday 20 February 2025 at 19:00 in the village hall
The business to be dealt with at the Meeting is listed below.
S Gresty
The public and media are cordially invited to join this meeting                                                
Public Forum: There will be a public forum starting at 7 pm and lasting for up to 30 minutes when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements on items relating to the agenda below to the Council.  RULES FOR PUBLIC FORUM ARE CONTAINED IN LANGTOFT PARISH COUNCIL STANDING ORDERS WHICH CAN BE VIEWED IN FULL ON THE WEBSITE 
24/25-114 Chairperson opens meeting.
24/25-115 Apologies: 
To receive any apologies for absence and reasons given.
24/25-116 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: 
To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any requests for dispensations in respect of disclosable pecuniary interests’
24/25-117  Minutes: 
To approve the minutes of :
a) 7th January 2025 – Parish Council meeting
To review Action Tracker and to note any actions.
To receive reports from 
a)County and District Councillors 
b)Police  Reports are received and circulated and made available on website/noticeboard upon receipt.
Current Year 2024/25 Finance and General Purpose.
a) To receive Financial Report for the period 01 April 2024 to 31 January 2025 with bank statements.
b) Resolve Payments as follows:
ref    Date          To Whom / Description / £
133 15/01/2025 Ionos inv 203045592361 15.00
134 15/01/2025 Wave water rates to 4/1/25 19.50
135 15/01/2025 B Farrington cllr expenses - christmas 50.00
136 15/01/2025 Y McCulloch cllr expenses - christmas 14.99
137 15/01/2025 Black Velvet Pest Control inv 170 85.00
138 24/01/2025 S Gresty january salary 627.36
139 24/01/2025 N Bright january salary 431.50
140 24/01/2025 N Bright Jan expenses 81.17
141 24/01/2025 ionos 203046101557 15.00
142 31/12/2025 Unity Trust bank charges 6.00
143 30/01/2025 Leslie McKenna penfield viewing platform 2347.50
144 05/02/2025 P Coles EE Pond expenses 106.90
145 05/02/2025 Graytones inv 36833 grapevine 438.00
146 05/02/2025 Witham cleaning inv 201276 760.00
147 05/02/2025 LVHMC hugh crane inv 768349 23.24
148 05/02/2025 LALC inv 15688- cllr training 36.00
149 05/02/2025 A Harrison penfield expenses 18.95
150 06/02/2025 Leslie  McKenna penfield viewing platform 2347.50
c) To Note Income
ref   Date      Income £
I33 31/12/24 Unity Trust Bank Interest 275.66
d) To Note Internal Transfer of funds
£5,000 from Saving to Current account 06/02/2025
i) Grant applications  To formally receive applications from St Michael Church PCC
24/25-121 Working Groups Reports
i) Dog bins – Cllr. Jarman
ii) Disposal of parish council assets 
iii) Bulbs for East End Park – Cllr. Payne
I) Annual Parish Council meeting – cheese and wine date
II) Emergency Response Plan – status update
III) Demographic of Village.  To receive draft responses.
IV) VE Day update
f) Black Bull Green s106 project. – update
24/25-122 Planning 
To receive any new applications since the last meeting and to resolve responses.
• S25/0133 Willoughby House, 17 East End – fell ash tree Response submitted: Langtoft Parish Council have considered this application and whilst we appreciate that the applicant may be concerned about possible failure of the tree causing damage to his and the neighbouring property, we feel that as this is a mature Ash tree felling should not take place unless an arboriculturist has prepared a report suggesting that that would be the only course of action. Therefore until such a report is prepared we would wish to oppose this application.
• S25/0119 St Michael’s church – tree works
• S24/2044 – To note withdrawal of application.
24/25-123 Report from Councillors 
To receive reports on meetings they have attended as Parish Council Representatives
24/25-124 Correspondence
To formally note Correspondence received from last meeting.  – see below
To consider a request has been received from the Village Hall to see if future parish council meeting can start at 7.30 pm instead of 7pm to enable the class before our meeting to continue.  
24/25-125 To receive Items for Future Meetings
a) To receive, consider and resolve Communication Policy 
b) 2025 Capital plan strategy, development of project(s) scope, funding and potential of grants – Cllr. Farrington
c) Park license
Date of future meetings:  2025.  1 Apr, 13 May, 24 June, 2 Sept, 14 Oct, 25th Nov   Annual Parish Meeting TBC
To Note Correspondence Received since last meeting
Date            From Whom / Topic / Group
2025-02-04 Witham Cleaning invoice eep and bbg - amenities
2025-01-13 Wicksteed seesaw quote - amenities
2025-01-18 resident SID enquiry - amenities
2025-01-20 ironmongery world park expenses - amenities
2025-01-22 Sports and Play Council accessibility information - amenities
2025-01-27 Mg Inspections invoice RPII test - amenities
2025-01-30 Liz Jarman expense salt shovel - amenities
2025-01-15 set in stone memorial application JF s1509 - cemetery
2025-01-18 set in stone remittance payment - cemetery
2025-01-21 RBLI VE Day info - comm. Engage.
2025-01-28 Cllr Byrd mdtc civic dinner invitation - comm. Engage.
2025-02-04 P Coles expenses EE pond - EE pond
2025-01-27 P Coles undated risk assessment EEP - EE Pond
2025-01-24 ionos invoice - finance
2025-01-31 LALC invoice cllr. training - finance
2025-01-14 resident allotment enquiry - parish
2025-01-15 LCC Highways NHT survey - parish
2025-01-21 SKDC Communications 25/26 council tax - parish
2025-01-30 SKDC garden waste recycling scheme - parish
2025-02-03 A Harrison Penfield expenses - Penfield
2025-01-27 SKDC Planning s24/2081 decision notice - planning
2025-01-31 SKDC Planning S25/0133 application - planning
2025-01-31 SKDC Planning s25/0119 application - planning
2025-01-16 LCC Planning pl/0127/24 amended description - planning
2025-02-03 B Gault baston and Langtoft proposed weight limit - planning