January 07 - Parish Council Meeting

To: Cllrs. Bev Farrington (Chair), Brian Branch (Vice Chair), Yvonne McCulloch, Colin Gamble, Julian Tatam, Steve Valentine, Kevin Payne, Liz Jarman & Emma Williams
You are hereby summoned to the Langtoft Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 07 January 2025 at 19:00 in the Village Hall
The business to be dealt with at the Meeting is listed below.
S Gresty
The public and media are cordially invited to join this meeting   
Public Forum: There will be a public forum starting at 7 pm and lasting for up to 30 minutes when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements on items relating to the agenda below to the Council.  RULES FOR PUBLIC FORUM ARE CONTAINED IN LANGTOFT PARISH COUNCIL STANDING ORDERS WHICH CAN BE VIEWED IN FULL ON THE WEBSITE 
24/25-99 Chairperson opens meeting.
24/25-100 Apologies: 
To receive any apologies for absence and reasons given.
24/25-101 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: 
To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any requests for dispensations in respect of disclosable pecuniary interests’
24/25-102  Minutes: 
To approve the minutes of :
a) 26 November 2024 Parish Council meeting
b) 18 December 2024 Extra Ordinary Parish Council meeting
To review Action Tracker and to note any actions.
To receive reports from 
a)County and District Councillors 
b)Police  Reports are received and circulated and made available on website/noticeboard upon receipt.
Current Year 2024/25 Finance and General Purpose.
a) To receive Financial Report for the period 01 April 2024 to 30 December 2024 with online bank statements.
b) Resolve Payments as follows:
a/c ref Date       To Whom         Description/£
112 27/11/2024 B Farrington comm. Engagement expenses 547.73
113 27/11/2024 S Valentine Penfield expenses 318.5
114 27/11/2024 L Jarman Cllr. Expenses 101.81
115 27/11/2024 Graytones inv36622 Xmas cards 66
116 27/11/2024 St Michaels PCC Christmas tree event 10
117 27/11/2024 Ionos Inv. 203045078420 13.8
118 27/11/2024 Unity Trust bank charges 6
119 27/11/2024 Branch Brothers Inv. 66930 EEP parks 54.46
120 01/12/2024 B Farrington comm. Engagement expenses 200.16
121 01/12/2024 LVHMC Penfield hall rental 32
122 01/12/2024 P Coles comm. Engagement expenses 104.21
123 01/12/2024 HMRC Qtr. 3 Tax and NIC 904.87
124 01/12/2024 N Bright December salary 431.7
125 01/12/2024 S Gresty December salary 627.36
126 01/12/2024 S Gresty Qtr. 3 council expenses 290.58
127 08/12/2024 N Bright expenses for paint 19.99
128 08/12/2024 Branch Brothers inv .67242/67410 40.48
129 08/12/2024 Kevin Johnson Inv. 2954 Nov gritting 240
130 11/12/2024 Andrea Elliott Simply delicious comm.eng 325
131 11/12/2024 L Jarman Cllr. expenses 44.76
132 31/12/2024 Unity Trust bank charges 6
c) To Note Income
ref Date           Income         £
28 04/11/2024 JG Cross 90.00
29 20/11/2024 Set in Stone 90.00
30 06/12/2024 Set in Stone 90.00
31 09/12/2024 PJ Mathews 45.00
32 03/12/2024 Grantscape 5910.00
d) To Note Internal Transfer of funds
15/11/2024 £5,000 from Saving to Current account
e) Budgets 2025/26.  To receive consider and resolve Budget for 20925/26 and the Precept Request.
Proposal from outcome of the Extra Ordinary meeting held on 18 December:
A Precept Request of £35,600 an increase of 2.7% which equates to a Band D council tax of £45.28 per year an increase of £1.11.  The £4014 deficit of expenditure to be met by a potential credit balance for this current year or by general reserves.
f) To formally receive grant applications received for consideration.
24/25-106 Working Groups 
A reflection of what each group has achieved and any lessons learnt.
24/25-107 Planning 
To receive any new applications since the last meeting and to resolve responses.
• S24/2044 14 Mossop Drive – submission of details reserved by condition 3 (materials) of planning permission s18/1724 (Single storey rear and side extension with front porch)
24/25-108 Governance Documentation.   To receive, discuss and resolve adoption of new policies:
a) Anti-harassment and bullying policy
24/25-109 Councillor Communication.  -  Cllr. Farrington.
24/25-110 Report from Councillors 
To receive reports on meetings they have attended as Parish Council Representatives
24/25-111 To formally note Correspondence received from last meeting.  – see below
24/25-113 To receive Items for Future Meetings
i) To receive, consider and resolve Communication Policy
ii) 2025 Capital plan strategy, development of project(s) scope, funding and potential of grants – Cllr. Farrington
iii) Demographic of Village.  Review and discuss current community provision and current/future additional needs
Date of future meetings:  2025. 4 Mar, 1 Apr, 13 May, 24 June, 2 Sept, 14 Oct, 25th Nov   Annual Parish Meeting TBC
To Note Correspondence Received since last meeting
Date            From Whom 
2024-11-14 Resident Allotment enquiry
2024-11-15 Fields in Trust safety report BBG
2024-11-26 Play Inspections resistograph timber test quote
2024-12-06 online playground quote repairs at bbg
2024-11-17 N Bright expense invoice - paint
2024-11-21 Co op funeral enquiry
2024-11-26 Set in stone application SF
2024-12-06 Set in stone remittance advice for bacs
2024-12-08 Resident interment application FP
Community Engagement
2024-11-26 Festive Lights invoice
2024-12-09 simply delicious invoice
2024-12-10 L Jarman cllr expenses
2024-11-17 Resident grapevine response
East End Pond
2024-11-25 P Coles EE pond budget amendment EE Pond
2024-11-20 SKDC 25/26 precept requirements
2024-11-20 Set in stone remittance advice for bacs
2024-11-23 L Jarman councillor expenses
2024-11-24 ionos invoice
2024-11-27 Graytones invoice christmas cards
2024-11-27 Augean Comm. Fund confirmation of payment
2024-11-28 Festive Lights invoice
2024-12-06 Kevin Johnson invoice gritting
2024-11-18 Resident response to grapevine
Parish General
2024-11-18 community engagement police and crime survey
2024-11-18 E Houlden mobile library times
2024-11-20 EA winter readiness helpful advice
2024-11-20 Resident some village issues
2024-11-26 SKDC free parking in dec
2024-12-05 LCC TTRO 009436 road restriction notice
2024-12-10 skdc help to plant more trees
2024-11-25 S Valentine penfield expenses
2024-11-21 SKDC Planning s24/1532 decision notice
2024-11-21 SKDC Planning s24/1532 application
2024-11-28 SKDC Planning s24/1613 decision notice
2024-12-05 SKDC Planning s24 2081 application
2024-12-11 SKDC Planning s24/2044 14 mossop drive