2021 February 16 Parish Council Meeting

DRAFT: Minutes of Langtoft Parish Council (LPC) Meeting via Zoom link on

Tuesday 16 February 2021 at 19:00


Present:  Cllrs. Andy Halfhide (Chair), Andy Hallam (Vice Chair), Debbie Hallam, Yvonne McCulloch, Steve Valentine, John Swift and liz Jarman.

County & District Councillors:  Barry Dobson, Rosemary Trollope-Bellew and Kellam Cooke.

Members of the public: 1 and Sarah Gresty Parish Clerk


Public Forum:

  1. Cllr. Liz Jarman wanted consideration made for a village litter pick.  At present with lockdown restrictions this was not possible, however, as soon as allowable this would be organised.
  2. Cllr. Liz Jarman concerns regarding dog foaling in the park areas.  Will investigate addition warning posters.
  3. Cllr. Andy Hallam to report on fix-my-street, pot holes on West End



20/21-281           Chairman’s welcome and remarks.  Cllr. Andy Halfhide welcomed everyone to the meeting.

20/21-282           Apologies: received from Cllr. Angela Brogan

20/21-283           Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, and to consider any requests for dispensations in respect of disclosable pecuniary interests’.Although not a pecuniary interest Cllr. Andy Halfhide expressed that item 20/21-316 involved the boundary of his front garden.

Minutes: To approve the minutes of:

20/21-284           a) Parish Council meeting held on 25 November 2020.  Amendment 20/21-247c item 7 should read SKDC not LCC.  After correction: proposed to accept minutes as a true and accurate record.

RESOLVED: Proposed:  Cllr. Steve Valentine, Seconded Cllr. Debbie Hallam and unanimously voted in favour.

b) Extra Ordinary PC meeting 15 December 2020.  Proposal to accept minutes as a true and accurate record.

RESOLVED: Proposed:  Cllr. John Swift, Seconded Cllr. Yvonne McCulloch and unanimously voted in favour

20/21-285           To receive reports from County and District Councillors and Police

Report from Cllr. Rosemary Trollope-Bellew

New appointment: director of growth & culture is Nicola McCoyBrown, hope to start in the next 3 months, she will be coming from Nottingham CC

Cllr. Trollope-Bellew had received a commendation in recognition of her SKDC work to ensure the outdoor markets in Grantham, Bourne and Stamford ran through lockdown.  LPC congratulated her on this award.

Report from Cllr. Kellam Cooke.  

2 Vaccination sites in the district are averaging 1500 -1,600 vaccinations per day combined.  Supplies can still be intermittent.  SKDC have vaccinated approx. 200,000 people so far.  Target statistics are going well.

Testing Centres in Grantham and Stamford are running well.

Business Grants.  SKDC Continue to support local business have allocated £35million to support businesses so far.

Work on Elections is proceeding.  Staff for polling stations and for the counting of votes are being recruited.  Langtoft County Councillors will be elected as well as the Police and Crime Commissioner

The big clean team continue to operate as are working in small bubble to maintain services.

March budgets will be confirmed.  No frontline services are being affected due to good support from government 

No news of the unveiling ceremony for the statue in Grantham which is being privately funded.  

Report Cllr. Barry Dobson

What a start to the New Year! Let us all hope that the vaccine brings hope for a more enjoyable summer than the last one.

1. Flooding  Storm Christoph has had a great impact on our lives throughout the county. LCC is the flood authority.  We did have a situation at the A15 intersection that we managed to get the failing manhole covers in the middle of the road secured and subsequently repaired. Thankfully, the rain and the snow has now receded.

If this happens in the future, the best way is to report flooding in your local area by telephoning Lincolnshire County Council on 01522 782082. When reporting a flooding incident, please provide as much factual information as possible.

During a recent call out, the fire brigade officer told me not to hesitate if a situation becomes really acute and to dial 999 when homes and lives are at risk.

*Up-to-date flood warnings and alerts can be found here: https://flood-warning- information.service.gov.uk/warnings?location=Lincolnshire

* Advice and information can be found at the SKDC website with updates on our social media channels:




* The Met Office has the very latest weather forecasts and updates: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk

* You can also register to receive the Environment Agency’s flood warnings: https://www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings

* Our local radio stations give updates on road closures.

2. Covid-19vaccinationupdate: NHS coronavirus vaccination programme is now underway; the start of the biggest immunisation programme in history.

Eligible people will be contacted when it’s their turn, so please don’t contact the NHS before then.

Please act on your invitation and make sure you attend your appointments when you arrange them. You will need your NHS number which can be found on letters from the hospital or GP or on prescriptions.

3. Our Council Services: The situations in each category are changing all the time.

* Adult Social Care and Children's Services Day Centres are open for priority groups only. Staff will continue to make visits – they will have full PPE.

*  Support Services are also still available for victims of Domestic Abuse.

* Primary and Secondary Schools in the County have closed to all pupils except children of - and vulnerable children. These groups will still be entitled to Free School Meals, if transport to school is essential, then this can be booked through our website. Those at home will be able to access remote learning. Any children who can't access laptops or tablets for online learning should contact their school who will ensure they are provided.

It would seem that schools may partly reopening in March.

* Fire crews are ready and standing by to respond to incidents and support other services in the County where needed. During the recent floods, I was advised by the local fire chief that we should just call 999 if property and/or lives are in danger.

* We will continue to do 'safe and well' checks for our most vulnerable residents, and will make safety visits to commercial premises which we think are necessary.

* Our Household Waste Recycling Centres are open as usual – just remember you have to book a  time slot via our website. If you have a van or a larger trailer, we are also continuing to process permit applications.

* Our 15 core libraries across the County will be open for click and collect services only and online provision, and our mobile services will provide that much needed lifeline of books and magazines to our shielding residents, to reassure those who have current loans – these will be extended until February.

* Our highways crews will still be out maintaining and improving our roads as normal, including gritting roads and repairing potholes. We always need more attention here, but the task to fill all potholes is really a huge task.

4. Our Work with Partners:

* Our Public Health and Emergency Planning Teams are continuing to work with Partners at the Resilience Forum to help get the Clinically

Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) residents the support they need.

A shielding letter will be sent out to those residents in the CEV

Our Covid-19 Helpline is: 01522 782189 is available 7 days a week.

* Unpaid carers providing vital support for a family member can also access support and details are available on our website or on the above number.

* Our staff are also working hard supporting the delivery of the Covid-19 Vaccine, and the roll out of further testing in our area.

* We know this new Lockdown will bring crippling times to many businesses. Business Lincolnshire can help support them within government guidance or to access financial support or grants if needed. ISK Tea Breaks are held each month to support all businesses throughout the District.

Keep promoting and maintaining the: "Hands, Face, Space" guidance.

5. Road and Footpath Improvements As we approach elections which we understand will be in May, I am hoping to be able to continue my work with you to improve our roads. I talked about the improvements we have been looking for with the A15 intersection, speeding through the village and along King Street, heavy goods vehicles through the village on both sides. The government because of the money spent on Covid has had to reduce our funding for the upkeep of roads. I am looking into the possibility of using other means of repairing potholes.

6. Re-starting the A15 and BP Service Station access committee up again following the 6 May election.

Response:  Cllr. Andy Halfhide outlined a recent informal ‘pre meeting’ ideas collaboration with Cllrs. Josh Yarham(Mayor), Chris Davis and Alan Brooks regarding build and safety issue before the start of the BP petrol station build.  Issues regarding the footpath from Langtoft staying on west side and continuing to the petrol station were discussed.

8.Greatford Gravel Extraction. After consultation, no further information received when this would go to Committee.

Future planning.  Cllr. Dobson has requested that Highways give their reports and the basis of their decisions.

Police: PCSO Rowena Everitt Report:

FORTHCOMING ENGAGEMENTS  With current COVID restrictions it is difficult to arrange any formal engagements. PCSO Everitt continues to carry out patrols of the area and is happy to stop and answer any questions people may have.

OUR PRIORITIES THIS QUARTER  Every three months, we listen to your concerns and look at recent crime statistics to shape the things we will concentrate on for the next three months. Based on this, our priorities for the next quarter are: Inappropriate vehicle use on Northfields Industrial Estate

WHAT’S BEEN HAPPENING?  Since the last meeting there has only been 1 reported incident involving youth ASB in the area and no reports of large groups of youths causing concern. There have been a large number of incidents reported regarding breaches of COVID restrictions. There have been 2 reports of vehicle ASB on the industrial estate. Cambridgeshire police are communicating to us if they have any information about car meets planned or if they break up a gathering in their area, as often, those involved then move on to Market Deeping.

Fraud The number of reports of incidents of fraud have increased in the local area. As face to face engagements are more difficult at this time, if you are aware of anybody who may need advice or support regarding fraud then please let me know.

To Resolve all Financial matters presented by the Clerk:  

20/21-286           The Clerk reported that Mr Derek Risk had kindly agreed to be the new independent inspector of LPC accounts half yearly and annually on the same payment basis as for the previous inspector.

20/21-287           Financial Report for the period 01 April 2020 to 31 December 2020.  The clerk had circulated the full receipt and payment accounts prior to the meeting

                              Balance b/f from 2019/20                             25374.38

                              Plus Total Income                                            38080.02

                              Less total payments                                       -20296.09

                              Balance at bank 1/2/2021                            £43158.31

Monies ringfenced    Penfield £8,000, Covid-19/SKDC Fund £11,000, Gritting £4,200 Working Cash Balance £19,958


RESOLVED: All payments had been circulated to the Parish Councillors prior to payment and 2 authorised signatories approved payments.  For transparency these are listed below.

20/21-288                          N. Bright November salary  

20/21-289                          S. Gresty November salary

20/21-290                          N. Bright December salary

20/21-291                          S. Gresty December salary

20/21-292                          HMRC Tax and NIC Qtr3 £571.00

20/21-293                          BDG Mowing Co inv 817 £200.00

20/21-294                          Mrs M Robinson – ½ year audit £50.00

20/21-295                          BDG Mowing Co inv 826 £200.00

20/21-296                          Graytones Ltd inv £82.20

20/21-297                          Intellitech Services – website £300.00

20/21-298                          Brian Branch – amenities expenses £19.99

20/21-299                          Andy Hallam – amenities expense £75.58

20/21-300                          Unity Bank charges £18.00

20/21-301                          Play Inspection – EEP annual inspection £90

20/21-302                          Kevin Johnson dec gritting inv 2424 £720

20/21-303                          N Bright – dec expenses £40.90

20/21-304                          Wave – water to 4.1.21 cemetery £2.20 direct debit

20/21-305                          N Bright January salary

20/21-306                          S Gresty January salary

20/21-307                          S Gresty clerk expenses oct-dec £121.56

20/21-308                          Landmark trading-safety helmet for gardener £50.84

20/21-309                          RBL Poppy Appeal wreaths and donation £90.00

20/21-310                          Pettitt Joinery Co £466.80 wood for bench repairs

20/21-311                          Kevin Johnson £1200.00 January 21 gritting

                              To note Income received:

20/21-312                          Scholes interment - Ward £45

20/21-313                          LAGA £170


21/20-314          Governance - To Resolve acceptance and adloption of the following documents: 

  1. Revised Standing Orders.  Proposal: to adopt revised Standing Orders dated 16 Feb 2021

RESOLVED: Proposed Cllr John Swift, Seconded Cllr. Liz Jarman and un unanimously in favour.

  1. Revised Financial Regulations.  Proposal: to adopt revised Financial Regulation dated 16 Feb 2021
  2. RESOLVED: Proposed Cllr Debbie Hallam, Seconded Cllr. Yvonne McCulloch and un unanimously in favour.

Proposal to adopt the 3 statutory policies below:

  1. Policy : Grievance    
  2. Policy : Disciplinary
  3. Policy : Equality and Diversification

RESOLVED: Proposed Cllr Andy Hallam, Seconded Cllr. Steve Valentine and un unanimously in favour.


20/21-315           Working Group Reports

  1. Cemetery group.   One enquiry had been received for a burial
  2. Amenities .  Wood for bench repairs now in hand, work will be undertaken by Councillors when able. 
  3. Finance & General Purpose.  No report received.
  4. Events.  Report from Cllr. Yvonne McCulloch:  Events have not had a meeting since the last PC meeting as we have no upcoming events (Next one would be the Parish Walk in June but with the Covid situation this will not take place) The ‘Reindeer’ were a great success, thank you to everyone for your help. The Christmas card (designed by Debbie) was sent out to all those who support the PC in any way, and also this year to all in the Covid support group.

Photographs of the Reindeer and Christmas card to be added to our website.

Ideas for next year’s Christmas card would be welcome

Christmas tree looked fantastic this year.

Easter Event was discussed.  Ideas had been received from Jeannette Pearson. 

Action:  Events Committee to meet and take ideas forward.


  1. Greatford Gravel Extraction planning still ongoing, more information to follow when known.
  2. S21/0240 11 West End.  Proposed removal of Yew Trees.Proposed that the Parish Council object to this removal and recommend trimming.
  3. Action: Cllr. Kellam Cooke to chase the updated TPO map for Langtoft and send to Clerk.

20/21-316           Black Bull Green fencing.  To discuss condition of wooden fencing.

Action:  Clerk to clarify lease with Fields in Trust.  c/f to next meeting.

20/21-317           To resolve on whether to run a Langtoft Parish Council Facebook page

Proposal: To resolve to create a Langtoft Parish Council Facebook page with Cllr. Steve Valentine, Jeannette Pearson and Sarah Gresty (Clerk) as the Administrators.

RESOLVED: Proposed. Cllr. Liz Jarman, Seconded Cllr. Steve Valentine.  1 Cllr abstained, majority in favour.

20/21-318           To resolve to return to monthly Parish Council meetings. (proposed by Cllr. Yvonne McCulloch)

No proposal received for monthly meetings.   RESOLVED : unanimously to stay with 6 weekly meetings.

20/21-319           Grapevine – Ideas for next edition.  Next edition to be electronic issue date 1st March

20/21-320           Village Hall – update on transfer of deeds in the Land Registry.   Awaiting solicitors response.  C/f to next meeting.

20/21-321           To receive information on Activities holiday Clubs – Cllr Liz Jarman to gather more information and to invite Jack Hubbard of Finding-fitness.co.uk to do a presentation and to propose a resolution at the next meeting.   C/f to next meeting.

20/21-322           Defibrillators.  Cllr. Andy Halfhide proposed to bring to the next meeting costs and proposals for              2 additional defibrillators at either ends of the village.

20/21-323           To note Correspondence were noted from the agenda.  

eceive Items for Future Meetings

  1. Defibrillator
  2. Penfield update
  3. Councillor surgeries for the younger generation.
  4. Activities Holiday club presentation
  5. BBG fencing
  6. Litter Pick                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  20/21-325           Date of future meetings:  2021: 30 Mar, 11 May-Annual Parish Meeting, 18 May-Annual Parish Council meeting, 29 Jun, 24 Aug, 12 Oct 23 Nov Venues TBC 


Meeting closed   21:32