2021 March 30 Parish Council Meeting

DRAFT: Minutes of Langtoft Parish Council Meeting held via Zoom link on

Tuesday 30 March 2021 at 19:00


Present:  Cllrs. Andy Halfhide (Chair), Andy Hallam (Vice Chair), Debbie Hallam, Yvonne McCulloch, Brian Branch, John Swift and Liz Jarman.       

LCC County Cllr. Barry Dobson, SKDC County Councillor Rosemary Trollope-Bellew.

Jack Hubbard from Finding Fitness, Sarah Gresty Parish Clerk and 3 members of the public.


Public Forum:


  1. A member of the public reported problems with winter gritting affecting grass and plants in her front garden.  Excess salt was spread, spilling onto her garden, door, car and pavements, unfortunately damaging the grass and the plants suffering also with foliage dying on the inside of her fence as the salt has leached through the fence.  Cllr. Barry Dobson apologised on behalf of SKDC for the over exuberant spreading.  Cllrs. Jarman said this had also been the case at the corner of Scotts Close where grass had scorched.

Action:  Cllr. Dobson to report this to LCC and to ask for this to be rectified.

Meanwhile advised resident to flush the plants with clean water to disperse the salt, if she was able to.


  1. Jack Hubbard outlined the recent talks with Cllr. Jarman for the potential holding Holiday Activity clubs in the summer holiday for Langtoft children.  LPC would apply for funding from the National Lottery, providing free places for children.  Cllr. Jarman had canvassed interest in the village and had received a good response.  If this proposal was accepted by LPC, Jack would work with Cllr. Jarman to draft a proposal to National Lottery for full funding costs, organise logistics etc.

Jack outlined the approximate costs of £1,500 per week, plus venue hire for bad weather back up, approx. £350 for equipment to run the club (this would then be retained by LPC) total approx £4.5k

Jack took questions from Councillors:

i) Cllr. Halfhide questioned how many children in total could they expect to hold activities for.   Response:  Usually 20 children per day are catered for with days allocated equally between places registered.

This number may be reduced due to covid-19 restrictions; this would not be known until nearer the time.  Social bubbles would need to be formed.

ii) If funds are obtained but more restrictions are put in place by government, can funding be rolled forward?   Response: this has been the case in the past.

iii) Issue with children having to access toilets at the village hall, not where activities are taking place.  Would funding be able to be applied for a marquee and/or porta-loos?   Response:  there is scope within the grant to apply for extra costs up to £10k but felt unlikely to get this.


Action: Cllr. Jarman to source venues (check with football club, pavilion, village hall), logistics, work with Jack to come up with a total cost for the grant to be applied for.


  1. A member of the public reported fly tipping on Stowe Road. 

Action:  Clerk had received photos from registered and would report this to SKDC.

Also asked about the village Littler pick.  This item was on agenda at 20/21-349a

Public forum ended 19:34



20/21-326            Chairman’s welcome and resignation of Cllr. Angela Brogan.  It was regretted that Angela Brogan had resigned from the parish council for personal reasons since the last meeting.   Cllr. Halfhide thanked her on behalf of LPC for all her valuable work whilst a councillor.

20/21-327            Apologies: were received from Cllr. Steve Valentine, Cllr Kelham Cooke.

20/21-328            Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011.        Cllr. Andy Halfhide expressed that item 20/21-349c involved the boundary of this front garden.

Minutes: To approve the minutes of:

20/21-329            Parish Council meeting held on 16 February 2021. Confirmed as a true and accurate copy of events Proposed Cllr. Hallam, Seconded Cllr. Swift, Cllr. Branch abstained to vote as he was not present at this meeting, approved unanimously RESOLVED

20/21-330            To receive reports from County and District Councillors and Police

A)Cllr. Barry M Dobson, Executive Support Councillor for Economy & Place Report:

What a great result by the NHS to get over 30 million people through the first vaccination with nearly 2 million having their second (at time of writing).

1. Recycling and Waste:  Our Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) opened as from Monday 8 March. However, residents will now be able to take recycling, garden waste and general waste on any opening day. In order to manage the number of people on site and to prevent queues, the Click and Tip booking system will remain in place. Residents will still need to visit www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/clickandtip, or call 01522 782070, to book their time slot.

We also now have the permit scheme for vans and larger trailers to access the sites, which can also be accessed via www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/clickandtip.

2. Lincolnshire Leadership and Wellbeing Hub:  The Lincolnshire Leadership and Wellbeing Hub has launched. We've joined with Lincolnshire County Council and Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce to create a Leadership and Wellbeing Hub to support local businesses. A one-stop-shop where businesses can access expert advice, resources and fully-funded support sessions, the hub is here to support businesses with issues regarding mental, physical and financial health during this difficult time. Find out more: https://www.businesslincolnshire.com/business-resilience/covid-19-support/get-support/leadership-and-wellbeing-hub/

3. Grow your team or find a career online:   If you're on the hunt for new team members, don't miss the next Greater Lincolnshire Online Jobs and Careers Fair. Whether you're in need of an experienced manager or a new apprentice, register now for your free booth and meet talented Lincolnshire job seekers in a COVID-secure environment! Find out more

4. One You Lincolnshire: The health and wellbeing of everyone is even more important at this time when restrictions through lockdown at home have meant reduced opportunities for exercise. Now we should all encourage our communities to take advantage as we move towards spring and better weather. Check out the Get Active section at www.oneyoulincolnshire.org.uk/ or there are details of activities throughout the county and the restart of public venues such as village halls.

5. Healthwatch Lincolnshire: In April 2020, Healthwatch Lincolnshire invited the public to tell us how the Covid-19 pandemic was affecting them, both in terms of accessing healthcare services and personally with their emotional and mental health needs.  Now one year on, we are revisiting this work to ask how you have adapted to new ways of accessing healthcare, whether you are excited about getting back shopping, going to the hairdressers or on a night out, or maybe you have re-evaluated your priorities and the things that were once important, no longer are. Completing the survey will only take a couple of minutes, it is anonymous and most importantly it will help to direct changes in healthcare services over the coming months and years. To assist us in this piece of work please click on the link below: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LPHFTQP

6. Our Green Masterplan: This is part of our global effort to help tackle climate change and the county council's commitment to be 'net carbon zero' by 2050. In my role as executive support councillor I am directly involved with the plan. I am a member of the LEP Energy Council and work at the forefront of the quest towards reducing our carbon emissions through innovation and design. Lincolnshire is a world leader in off-shore wind energy using technology developed in our county. Lincoln University has been at the forefront of ground-breaking technology. Even our offices in Lincoln have now got a huge array of solar panels on the roof, helping keep our emission rates as low as possible. In my early days on the County Council (that's 4 years ago already) I discovered how buildings and especially schools were the worst offenders. It might be of interest that the majority of demand is still petroleum for transport and natural gas for domestic purposes; electricity is split fairly evenly between industry, domestic and other final consumers.

7. Roads I know you've heard me say it before, but we do have a huge network of roads in our county. However, looking around, I am noticing some progress. I've been lobbying along with my colleagues for 'fairer funding for Lincolnshire'. Just to repeat what you might have seen in the County News here are the stats: 5,500 miles of roads, 48 grit spreaders with new ones on the way for next winter, 42,000 potholes repaired, 300 miles of roads resurfaced, 309 traffic lights installed, 68,000 street lights, 1,500 bridges, Despite the £51 million spent this year, there are still more repairs to do. I have managed to get some movement on the cold lay materials and this has now been put into action. Hopefully, we will now see a longer life of repaired potholes.

Questions following report:

  1. Cllr. Hallam   please confirm yellow paint on the unrepaired potholes, means they are returning to repair.   Response: yes.
  2. Cllr. Halfhide drew attention to the poor repair at the bottom of Stowe road at the crossroads with lots of loose gravel remaining cause a slip hazard.
  3. Response Cllr. Dobson is to continue to pass complaints of head of highways.  Urged their continual reporting.  SKDC are experimenting with a new medium for repairing potholes called cold lay.
  4. Cllr. McCulloch ask for a progress on cars parking on verges near the village hall and shops. Response.   Cllr. Dobson urged again to photo when this happens and report on nuisance parking.  www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/nuisanceparking

B)Cllr. Rosemary Trollope-Bellew’s Report: SKDC

  1. We had another T-Break meeting this month for businesses at SK
  2. Businesses who rely on visitors have told us that people are keen to book something different and interested in staying in Britain, we just have to make sure they want to stay in Lincolnshire.
  3. We are looking at gradually opening our arts venues, and work on the roof at Stamford Arts Centre should be completed in May.  We are now looking at painting the ballroom and windows along with re-figuring part of the downstairs to accommodate Customer Services, café and box office.
  4. Leisure SK is getting ready to welcome back residents, they have been doing on-line keep-fit programmes which have proved popular.
  5. We have been busy looking at building suitable as a polling stations for the County and Police & Crime Commissioners elections in May, to make sure that they adhere to any covid regulations and keep our residents and staff safe.  We will start counting on the Friday at Grantham instead of overnight and spaces will be limited.
  6. Street markets will be opening up for all our regular traders after being limited during the last lock-down.
  7. Unfortunately, the Stamford Mid-lent fair was cancelled again for 2021.                                                         

Cllr Halfhide asked if there were any grants that help with youngster in the village?Response:SK Community Grants up to £5k.

C)Police report With current COVID restrictions it is difficult to arrange any formal engagements. PCSO Everitt continues to carry out patrols of the area and is happy to stop and answer any questions people may have.  OUR PRIORITIES THIS QUARTER  Every three months, we listen to your concerns and look at recent crime statistics to shape the things we will concentrate on for the next three months. Based on this, our priorities for the next quarter are:  Inappropriate vehicle use on Northfields Industrial Estate.  If you think there is an issue we should be focusing on, please get in touch via email or using the online enquiry form on the Lincolnshire Police website. WHAT’S BEEN HAPPENING? ASB-There have been few reports of youth anti-social behaviour in recent weeks, but as covid restrictions start to lift I am sure we will see an increase in incidents.  We did see an increase in reports of hare coursing during the pandemic but this has again reduced and there have been no reports of hare coursing activity in the last month.     Suspicious vehicles-We have seen a big increase in reports of suspicious vehicles in the area with many people speculating that they are looking to steal dogs. We have had no reports of dog thefts or attempted theft and these vehicles are likely to be related to rogue traders. We appreciate members of the public being vigilant and informing us of suspicious activity. Fraud-There continues to be a large number of reports of fraud and scam emails. If you know anybody who would benefit from further information on how to protect themselves against fraud please let us kno

To Resolve all Financial matters presented by the Clerk:  

20/21-331            Financial Report for the period 01 Jan 2021 to 15 March 2021.  The Clerk presented the payments and received report and bank reconciliation against budget.

                                                Balance c/f 2019/20                         25374.38

                                                Plus total income received           38080.02

                                                Less total payments to date         22661.98

                                                TOTAL RECONCILED BALANCE     40792.42

                                Approve Payments as follows:

20/21-332                            N. Bright February salary  

20/21-333                            S. Gresty February salary

20/21-334                            N. Bright March salary

20/21-335                            S. Gresty March salary

20/21-336                            HMRC Tax and NIC Qtr4  

20/21-337                            Kevin Johnson £720 Kings Street gritting February

20/21-338                            LALC GDPR-AH training £27.00

20/21-339                            LALC membership subscription £432.59

20/21-340                            LALC councillor training LJ - £27.00

20/21-341                            Black Velvet Pest Control - £50.00 moles at EEP

20/21-342                            N Bright expenses March £22.46

20/21-343                            LALC Burials training £54.00

20/21-344                            S Gresty clerk expenses £88.70

20/21-345                            DT Windows invoice DT020317 £50.00-bus stop

20/21-346                            LALC GDPR-SG training £27.00

20/21-347                            LALC invoice 11358 JS councillor training £27.00

Proposed that all the above financial information we accepted as true and accurate.  Proposed Cllr Swift, Seconded Cllr. Jarman and unanimously RESOLVED.

Working Group Reports

20/21-348            Cemetery group.  Cllr Debbie Hallam reported on a creeping issue with encroachment of flowers and plants on other graves.   Action: Cemetery committee and clerk to look at updating the rules and regulations of the cemetery and getting them professionally printed for the noticeboard to draw visitors’ attention to them.

                                A general tidy up of old flowers and wreathes was required.

                                Action: Clerk to ask gardener to undertake this.

  1. Resolution to repair cemetery path.  Proposal to bring forward the repair of the path as soon as possible, the tree roots have made the path very uneven and causing a trip hazard.

Action:  Cllrs. Branch, Halfhide and Hallam to meet on site Thursday 8 April to draw up a specification for path to be re-laid.

Cllr. Halfhide proposed that 3 contractors within Langtoft be approached for quotes.

20/21-349            Amenities meeting notes were circulated before the meeting.

  1. Date for organised litter pick.  Cllr Dobson volunteered for a litter pick and would help get equipment.  The Clerk had been chasing SKDC for this.  When date set this would be advertised.
  2. Village gates.   Action:  Cllrs. Halfhide, Branch and Hallam to mark on Google Earth possible location for submission to LCC for consideration.
  3. Black Bull Park Fencing.  After receiving confirmation from Fields in Trust it was confirmed that the ownership of the fencing was the responsibility of each individual house owner. 

Action:  Cllrs. Halfhide, Branch and Hallam to view the fencing again, report which owners need to take action and what action LPC needs to take in cutting back brambles and plants.  Also, to look at options for bridging the gaps on the Stowe Road fence boundary.

Addition items to the report:

Benches at EEP are now renovated. All other benches in the village now need rubbing down and treating with preservative.

Action:  Cllr. Hallam to identify which benches and where, source sandpaper, Danish oil and other equipment required then ask who is undertaking renovation work on which bench.

20/21-350            Finance & General Purpose.  Notes of 23 February 2021 had been circulated prior to the meeting.  Finances quite healthy surplus funds with £11k covid funding yet to be spent, urged prudence at present.

20/21-351            Events.  Nothing to report as  parish walk has been cancelled.   FOL’s did not require help with their easter activities as they had plenty of help from parents within the school.

20/21-352            Planning.  Application S21/0521 was discussed with no objections from any councillor to the proposal.  It was felt that a neutral comment be submitted.

Pocket Park update – Cllr. Andy Halfhide.  No further updated.   SKDC had said they were going to action this.   Action:  Cllr. Halfhide to chase.

20/21-353            Request for signage regarding dangers of Greylag geese crossing the road in Stowe Road – Cllr. Liz Jarman.   LCC highways will need to be approached for signs on highways.  This was not a Parish Council issue.   Liz and her friend could approach landowners to see if they would be willing to put signs on their boundary or contact LCC highways on their own personal terms.

20/21-354            Purchase of high viz and safety equipment. – Cllr Andy Hallam.  Action:  Cllr. Halfhide to send Clerk link of equipment for purchase under section 4e of the Financial Regulation.

20/21-255            Councillor suggestions for funding projects in Langtoft – Cllr. Liz Jarman.   C/f t to next agenda.  Meanwhile ideas to be collated by Cllr. Jarman.  

20/21-353            Facebook update- Cllr Steve Valentine.   Facebook page to be unpublished immediately.   C/f to next agenda.

20/21-354            Grapevine – Jeannette Pearson had produced an electronic Easter addition which had been posted on the parish council website with a link posted of Facebook.  It was proposed to go back to a printed version for the next issues.  Cllr. Debbie Hallam to update the list of volunteer distributors.

20/21-355            Village Hall – LPC had received a response from Nick Scutt, Solicitor.  Nothing further to do at present as waiting for solicitor to draw document for signature.


Suspend standing orders.  To finish the agenda, it was proposed to suspend standing order as the time was now 20:30 to allow completion of items.   Proposes Cllr. Andy Hallam, Seconded Cllr McCulloch, unanimously RESOLVED


20/21-356            Activities Holiday Clubs – Resolution to support the Activities Holiday Scheme - Cllr. Liz Jarman Priority spaces would be given to Langtoft children, with spare spaces being offered to nearby village children.  Cllr Jarman said at this stage there was not guarantee of getting funding. Proposed to accept resolution John Swift, Seconded Cllr. Andy Halfhide and unanimously agreed -RESOLVED. Action:  Cllr Jarman to arrange a site meeting with Jack Hubbard and discuss logistics, insurance and full project costs.  To prepare a funding proposal.

20/21-357            Defibrillators.  Possibility of further defibrillators in the village. Cllr. Andy Halfhide c/f to next meeting.     Approx. costs £685 plus £300 for cabinet, no need of permanent power as they are battery powered.  Look at locations.  Action:  Andy Halfhide to provide locations before next meeting.


20/21-358            To note Correspondence were noted from the agenda.

20/21-359            To receive Items for Future Meetings, as mentioned in these minutes

20/21-360            Date of future meetings: 

2021:     11 May-Annual Parish Meeting Rescheduled for 27 April via zoom.

18 May-Annual Parish Council meeting – in the Village Hall if possible,

29 Jun, 24 Aug, 12 Oct 23 Nov Venues TBC


Meeting Closed at 22:26