2023 Permissive Footpath Bridge Renovation
Langtofts Permissive Path through East End Fields
As many people know apart from the official designated footpaths in and around Langtoft, we have had access to another privileged access via Outgang Road which joins the footpath leading to Baston.
Below is one of the original signs showing Public rights of way and the Permissive Path around the field/s, however that permission of access ended in 2004.
However, after years of use the Footbridge over the dyke was declared unsafe.
Our parish council pursued its reinstatement; this involved the Land Owner LCC, the land tenant and LPC. This was not a simple issue, initially the right of passage had to be agreed and renewed; this renewal came with specific terms and conditions.
After months of liaising with every party Langtoft parish council was granted a ‘Licence’ to open and maintain the said path for 10 years, providing the bridge was made safe for use first.
For the specifics regarding the agreed usage
The local Deepings Lions were able to assist in the renovation of the bridge by purchasing and supplying the required timbers etc. Several village volunteers and parish councillors gave up their time at weekends and Wednesdays to rebuild it to an acceptable and safe standard.
All work completed and now officially handed over and open for use.
In honour of the Lions enormous contribution.
What next for us? yes it was tested for strength.
Three hard worked volunteers wondering what to do next.
Three Lions on a Field.
A huge thank you to everyone involved with the restoration of this village asset