20 February - Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of Langtoft Parish Council (LPC) Meeting held on Thursday 20th February at 19:00 in the village hall.
Present: Cllrs. Bev Farrington (Chair), Colin Gamble, Liz Jarman & Brian Branch
In Attendance: 1 Member of the public, Cllrs Rosemary Trollope-Bellew and Phil Dilks.
Public Forum:  One member of public attended to request LPC help re naming of an unadopted road in East End. Proposal to name as Back Lane but wishes to oppose and name as Prestgraves Road. Followed council notice to apply to magistrate’s court to oppose, not heard anything. Action: Cllr. Phil Dilks to follow up. 
24/25-114 Chairperson opens meeting by thanking everyone for attending.
24/25-115 Apologies for absence:  
received from Cllrs. Valentine, Williams, Tatam, McCulloch, Payne, Parish Clerk Sarah Gresty.
These were unanimously accepted.
24/25-116 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: 
None received.
24/25-117 Minutes of: 
a) 07 January 2025 Parish Council meeting were presented as a true and accurate record of events.  Proposed acceptance Cllr. Gamble, Seconded Cllr. Jarman RESOLVED.
24/25-118 Action Tracker 
Request for Clerk to forward to all Cllrs update on all actions noted to be complete by end of February by first week March.
24/25-119 Reports from 
a) County and District Councillors 
Cllr Smith report was circulated prior to meeting. No follow up requested from Cllrs.
Cllr. Rosemary Trollope-Bellew reported on Devolution timeline and complexity. Discussions around the division across the towns/villages. Called out that 500k people are within the catchment and the current focus of community will be lost through the devolution strategy. Furthermore, impact on community services such as policing, healthcare etc. Final proposals to be submitted 28th Nov 2025. Updates to be provided at future PC meetings.
Cllr Dilks reported
Village road weight restriction called out to ensure PC aware of the consultation.
County Council budget meeting to take place. Officers want max increase of 5% but likely to be 2.9% with no monies ringfenced for emergency support in connection with flooding
Deeping United have been granted planning permission on land at Towngate East. Likely take 12month’s before football can be played.
Lincolnshire police under special measures. Due to funding issues. If no improvement potential 200 hc will be impacted. This will be met via natural attrition as there’s a no redundancy policy within policing.
Deeping’s school improvement needed notices for 3 years out of last seven. Next assessment/report due in a few weeks. Concern as to action taken if no improvement made.
New homes in county Government promised 1.5m new homes. SKDC at an advanced stage of completing t local plan that calls for 700 new homes. With the governments commitment this has now risen to 895 new homes in the county. Now a need to identify additional sites which may include Langtoft inc. potential extension to Dickens Close.
Proposal to consider a Neighbourhood plan in support of any challenge to extending housing provision in village.
To be discussed at next PC meeting.
b) Police 
 Report circulated prior to meeting. Community engagement team to follow up to ensure PC attendance at future meetings.
Current Year 2024/25 Finance and General Purpose.
a) Financial Report for the period 01 April 2024 to 31st January 2025 was presented by the Chair.
b) Payments as follows:
ref    Date          To Whom / Description / £
133 15/01/2025 Ionos inv 203045592361 15
134 15/01/2025 Wave water rates to 4/1/25 19.5
135 15/01/2025 B Farrington cllr expenses - christmas 50
136 15/01/2025 Y McCulloch cllr expenses - christmas 14.99
137 15/01/2025 Black Velvet Pest Control inv 170 85
138 24/01/2025 S Gresty january salary 627.36
139 24/01/2025 N Bright january salary 431.5
140 24/01/2025 N Bright Jan expenses 81.17
141 24/01/2025 ionos 203046101557 15
142 31/12/2025 Unity Trust bank charges 6
143 30/01/2025 Leslie McKenna penfield viewing platform 2347.5
144 05/02/2025 P Coles EE Pond expenses 106.9
145 05/02/2025 Graytones inv 36833 grapevine 438
146 05/02/2025 Witham cleaning inv 201276 760
147 05/02/2025 LVHMC hugh crane inv 768349 23.24
148 05/02/2025 LALC inv 15688- cllr training 36
149 05/02/2025 A Harrison penfield expenses 18.95
150 06/02/2025 Leslie  McKenna penfield viewing platform 2347.5
c) Income - Noted
ref   Date       Income / £
I33 31/12/24 Unity Trust Bank interest 275.66
d) Internal Transfer of funds
£5,000 from Saving to Current account 06/02/2025
Proposal:  To accept and adopt all the financial recorded above. Proposed Cllr. Gamble, Seconded Cllr. Jarman and unanimous in favour.
e) Grant applications for 2025/26-year application formally received from St Michaels Church PCC:
24/25-121 Working Groups: 
Monthly update reports were circulated prior to meeting. The following areas of note were discussed during the meeting. 
Discussion with respect to repairs & maintenance and insurance liabilities, to be continued at working party meeting scheduled for 25th February 2025.
Proposal to leverage a member of the PC to powerhouse benches discussed preference for a main contractor to be employed. To be discussed at working party 25th February 2025.
Cheese and wine Annual Parish Meeting for 2025 date set as 11th April. Village hall to be booked
- Potential licence for use required for Football in the EE Park, will revert with final legal position at April meeting
f) Black Bull Green s106 project. – update c/f to next meeting
24/25-122 Planning 
To receive any new applications since the last meeting and to resolve responses.
• S25/0133 Willoughby House, 17 East End – fell ash tree Response submitted: Langtoft Parish Council have considered this application and whilst we appreciate that the applicant may be concerned about possible failure of the tree causing damage to his and the neighbouring property, we feel that as this is a mature Ash tree felling should not take place unless an arboriculturist has prepared a report suggesting that that would be the only course of action. Therefore, until such a report is prepared we would wish to oppose this application.
• S25/0119 St Michael’s church – tree works
• S24/2044 – To note withdrawal of application.
24/25-123 Report from Councillors 
No external community meetings attended by Parish Council Representatives
To consider a request has been received from the Village Hall to see if future parish council meeting can start at 7.30 pm instead of 7pm to enable the class before our meeting to continue
Agreed to trail for 2 months starting at 7.15pm.   Proposed Cllr Gamble, seconded Cllr Jarman
- Emergency Resilience Plan.  None received as Cllr Payne absent. To be included in April PC agenda
- A S106 progress. Working party have draft proposal/cost to be presented at PC April meeting
- VE Day. Working committee formed, tentative planning ongoing, full report back to PC April meet. Funding applied for from SKDC 
- Dog Bins – Cllr Jarman requested dog bins be reinstated at Hyde Gardens. She will take responsibility for maintenance, emptying and disposal. Will indemnify LPCC
- Disposal of PC assets – Request to dispose of Christmas reindeer decorations. Proposed Cllr Gamble, seconded Cllr Jarman
24/25-124 Correspondence was noted from the agenda.
24/25-125 To receive Items for Future Meetings
i) To receive, consider and resolve Communication Policy
ii) 2025 Capital plan strategy, development of project(s) scope, funding and potential of grants – Cllr. Farrington
iii) Demographic of Village.  Review and discuss current community provision and current/future additional needs
iv) Emergency plan update
v) Football in the park licence
vi) VE day celebrations
vii) S106 proposal
viii) Concern over Internet provider INOS and Cllr access to email/documentation.
ix) Development of neighbourhood plan
Date of future meetings:  2025. 18 Feb, 1 Apr, 13 May, 24 June, 2 Sept, 14 Oct, 25 Nov.   Annual Parish Meeting Friday 11 April 2025
Meeting closed at 20:55
20.55 meeting closed