November 26 Parish Council meeting

Minutes of Langtoft Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 26 November 2024 at 19:00 in the Village Hall

Present: Cllrs. Bev Farrington (Chair), Brian Branch (Vice Chair), Yvonne McCulloch,  Steve Valentine, Kevin Payne & Liz Jarman
In Attendance: 1 member of the public, Cllr. Vanessa Smith and Sarah Gresty Parish Clerk. 
Public Forum: 
Question raised by Cllr. McCulloch to Cllr. Smith asking who is responsible for turning on the pavilion park lights in the car park and footpath.  Action:  Cllr. Smith would investigate this and report back.
24/25-82 Cllr. Farrington opened the meeting.
24/25-83 Apologies for absence: had been received from Cllr. Gamble & Tatam.  These apologies were unanimously accepted. 
Other Apologies:  from Cllr. Rosemary Trollope-Bellew.
24/25-84 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: There were none.
24/25-85  Minutes of: 
a) 22 October 2024 Parish Council meeting were amended to include an item regarding the clearing of contents of the parish council container this was added to the Action Tracker as a task.  The 
Minutes were then deemed to be a true and accurate record of events.  Proposal:  To adopt and resolve Cllr. McCulloch, Seconded Cllr. Branch, Cllrs. Valentine, Payne and Jarman abstained due to absence Cllr. Farrington in favour. 
24/25-86  Co option.   
Proposal:  To vote in favour of Emma Williams being co opted for one of the vacant seats on the parish council.   Proposed Cllr. Jarman, Seconded Cllr. Valentine and unanimous in favour. RESOLVED.
Emma was welcomed to the Parish Council and joined the meeting after signing her Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Action Tracker was reviewed updates noted as follows:
• Cemetery Gates in process of being repainted
• Village Gates awaiting confirmation of actual locations from LCC
• Park safety inspection reports now in and action list being drawn up for remedial works.  Completion deadline dates to be added to the Action Tracker.
• Pavillion Sports field.   SKDC have advised the Parish Council to put this item on hold.
Cllr Payne requested  the need to report the infill of the roadside ditches on New Road.  Action:  clerk to report on fix my street.
Reports :    a)County and District Councillors 
Cllr Smith’s report was circulated prior to the meeting.
Points raised:
Cllr Payne asked if Langtoft could access the free tulips.   Action: Cllr. Smith to investigate.
Cllr. Valentine wanted to express thanks on behalf of the Parish Council to Cllr. Smith for all her hard and efficient work this undertaken for the parish.  This was wholeheartedly agreed by all.
Cllr. Payne asked for an update on Devolution.  Likely to be an election in May to appoint the Major.  More information will follow when known. 
Cllr. Smith reported that the quarry activity at East End is still under investigation with SKDC Enforcement.
b)Police  Reports are received and circulated and made available on website/noticeboard upon receipt.
Current Year 2024/25 Finance and General Purpose.
a) Financial Report for the period 01 April 2024 to 30 October 2024 with bank statements was presented by the clerk.
b) Payments as follows:
ref Date           To Whom / Description / £
90 10/10/2024 RBL Poppy Appeal donation 90
91 16/10/2024 L Jarman cllrs expenses for parks 45.99
92 16/10/2024 Branch Brothers inv 66585 Penfield exp 56.7
93 16/10/2024 Nigel Bright Sep/oct expenses 34.74
94 16/10/2024 S Gresty Qtr 2 expenses 171.24
95 16/10/2024 Nairn Contractors Ltd inv.270.  plant hire EEP 1068
96 28/10/2024 Kedel ltd inv 45147-EEP 222.73
97 28/10/2024 Play Inspection Co inv 72732 - EEP 95.4
98 28/10/2024 Taylor Rose inv 1551409-VH Land Reg 1504
99 28/10/2024 S Gresty oct salary
100 28/10/2024 N Bright oct salary
101 28/10/2024 Wave water rates to 4/10/24 17.56
102 31/10/2024 Unity Trust bank charges 5.4
103 30/10/2024 A E Evans inv72591 part EEP 218.53
104 24/10/2024 Ionos inv 203044562496 13.8
105 14/11/2024 Graytones inv 36560 - grapevine 532
106 14/11/2024 BDG Mowing inv 24/1730 - oct grass 295.2
107 14/11/2024 A Harrison Penfield expenses 78.94
108 14/11/2024 N Bright Nov expenses 40.88
109 14/11/2024 N Bright Gardener Nov salary
110 14/11/2024 S Gresty Clerk Nov salary
111 14/11/2024 S Valentine Penfield expenses 112
Additional payment presented:
B Farrington expenses for Community engagement £547.73
L Jarman expenses for Community engagement and parks £101.81
S Valentine Penfield expenses £318.50
Ionos direct debit £13.80
c) Income - noted
ref Date           Income / £
18 04/09/2024 football coaching 60.00
19 09/09/2024 cemetery Ward 90.00
20 11/09/2024 Cemetery plots EROB 151/152 405.00
21 30/09/2024 bank interest 285.51
22 01/10/2024 repayment rent 85.00
23 02/10/2024 Memorial Ward 90.00
24 03/10/2024 2nd half of precept 17077.00
25 14/10/2024 2nd half cleaning grant 463.32
26 25/10/2024 Edward Huggins ashes 90.00
27 25/10/2024 EROB 153 135.00
d) Internal Transfer between savings current account funds were noted
4/10/2024 £10,000 from Current to Savings account
28/11/2024 £5,000 from Saving to Current account
Proposal: To accept and adopt all the financial records above.  Proposed Cllr. Payne, Seconded Cllr. McCulloch and unanimous in favour. 
e) Church Christmas Tree donation and decoration arrangements.
Proposal: To donate £10 for a parish council tree in the church.  Proposed Cllr. Farrington, Seconded Cllr. Jarman and unanimously in favour. RESOLVED.
f) Donation request from Langtoft Players.  No information had been received for this item.  C/f to next agenda.
g) Budgets 2025/26.  The first draft of the budget for 2025/26 (to be resolve on 7 January 2025) was considered.  
Action: To call an extra ordinary meeting before Christmas to discuss this in full.
To draft a Financial Policy considering reserves required.
To draft guidance to residents to explain what the Parish Council are accountable for and how this relates to the precept
h) 2025 Capital plan strategy, development of project(s) scope, funding and potential of grants.    
Cllr. Farrington suggested that the Parish Council consider, at the January meeting, a review of the demographic of the village in terms of age and diversity groups.  This will help consideration for future projects and requirements within the village.    Once achieved a structured plan can be drawn up of needs and priorities.  Funding requirement could then be sourced in a structured manner.
24/25-90 Working Groups – Action: To scope roles and responsibilities for each working group with what is required from each group and any volunteers that can be drawn upon.
a) Amenities – Monthly report was received by the meeting.   Cllr. Valentine is unable to continue to be lead on this group.  Amenities responsibilities need defining.
Items from report:
Dangerous trees on path at East End Park (EEP) – Action Clerk to contact Elderwood Trees to see if work required would require planning permission?
i) Winter gritting contract.  Proposal:  To continue with current contractor at £100 per grit using the Online Weather App and the agreed criteria.   Proposed Cllr. Jarman, Seconded Cllr. Payne and unanimous in favour-RESOLVED.
Action:  Cllr. Jarman to check all the grit bins and to advertise the fact on ‘Life in Langtoft’ (LIL) that resident can use the grit during icy weather on pavements and roads (but they may need to use their own shovels to access the grit from the bins).
b) Community Engagement – Monthly report was received by the meeting.   Christmas in the parks was now organised, but help is still required to install trees and on the event nights.  More promotion of the Christmas window competition was required.
It was agreed that Cllrs. Farrington and Jarman would promote and post events on “LIL” 
Football in EEP.   Action:   clerk to chase for guidance on if a contract is required.
c) Penfield – Monthly report and 2025/26 Budget request was received by the meeting.
d) Cemetery – Monthly report and 2025/26 Budget request was received by the meeting.  It was noted that a protective jacket was required by the Gardener.
i) Cemetery application forms.  Proposal:   it was unanimously agreed that the revised forms be accepted and adopted.
ii) Cemetery fees
Proposal: To increase the cemetery fees as follows:
Burial plots earthen grave £220, memorial garden for ashes £120
Interment Burial £120, Cremated remains £60
Single headstone £120, Double £160, Monument or vase £100
Flat stone in memorial garden £120.
Proposed Cllr. Farrington, Seconded Cllr. Valentine and unanimous in favour-RESOLVED.
Action: Cllr. McCulloch requested that the cemetery bin be cleaned.
e) East End Pond – Monthly report and 2025/26 Budget request was received by the meeting.  
24/25-91 Planning  There were no new applications to discuss.
24/25-92 Employment Legislation.  c/f to next meeting.
24/25-91 Report from Councillors 
Cllr. Jarman requested support for the Village Hall Committee for its need for the flat roof refurbishment.  This was unanimously voted in favour to support. 
24/25-92 Correspondence was noted from the agenda.
24/25-93 To receive Items for Future Meetings
i) To receive, consider and resolve Communication Policy
ii) Demographic of Village.  Review and discuss current community provision and current/future additional needs
iii) Consideration of Reserves policy when preparing budget for 2025/26
Meeting closed at 21:19
Date of future meetings:  2025. 7 Jan, 4 Mar, 1 Apr, 13 May, 24 June, 2 Sept, 14 Oct, 25th Nov   Annual Parish Meeting TBC