October 22 - Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of Langtoft Parish Council (LPC) Meeting held on Tuesday 22 October 2024 at 19:00 in the Village Hall

Present: Cllrs. Bev Farrington (Chair), Yvonne McCulloch, Colin Gamble & Julian Tatam.
In Attendance:  District Councillor Rosemary Trollope-Bellew, 0 Members of the public & Sarah Gresty-Parish Clerk
Public Forum: No one in attendance.
24/25-70 Cllr. Farrington opened the meeting.
24/25-71 Apologies for Absence: 
Were received from Cllr. Valentine, Payne & Jarman.  These apologies were unanimously accepted.
Other Apologies:  Cllr. Vanessa Smith and Cllr. Phil Dilks.
24/25-72 Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: There were none.
24/25-73  Minutes of: 
a) 10 September 2024 Parish Council meeting were presented as a true and accurate record of events.  Proposed to resolve and adopt. Cllr. Tatam, Seconded Cllr. McCulloch and unanimous in favour.
b) 09 October 2024 Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting were presented as a true and accurate record of events.  Proposed to resolve and adopt. Cllr. Gamble, Seconded Cllr. McCulloch Cllr. Tatam abstained due to absence the remaining unanimous in favour.
24/25-74 Action Tracker was reviewed and updated.
• Village gates – permission applied for with LCC Highways.
• Cemetery bench repainted
• 2 quotes for cleaning the surface and play equipment in both parks had been sought.  Cllr. McCulloch suggested a third contractor to approach.   
Proposal:  Clerk to obtain 3rd quote and to give contract to the cheapest quote.   Proposed Cllr. Tatam, Seconded Cllr. Gamble and unanimous in favour-RESOLVED.
• Village Hall Land Registry, Taylor Rose solicitors have submitted the land registry application.
Reports from: 
a)County and District Councillors 
Cllr Smith’s report had been circulated prior to the meeting.
b)Police  Reports are received and circulated and made available on website/noticeboard upon receipt.
Current Year 2024/25 Finance and General Purpose.
a) Financial Report for the period 01 April 2024 to 30 September 2024 with bank statements was presented by the clerk.   The clerk read the half year report from the Internal Inspection.  Action: Clerk to action minor elements of report.
b) Payments as follows:
Ref Date         To Whom / Description / £
70 03/09/2024 A Harrison Penfield expenses 122.26
71 03/09/2024 BDG Mowing Inv. 24/589 295.2
72 03/09/2024 N Bright Aug expenses 14.85
73 03/09/2024 Branch Brothers Inv. 066265 51.25
74 03/09/2024 S Valentine Penfield expenses 73.09
75 03/09/2024 Graytones Inv. 36283 320
76 03/09/2024 Unity Trust bank charges 18
77 15/09/2024 Ionos 23044054873 6
78 26/09/2024 PKF Littlejohn audit account 23/24 252
79 26/09/2024 S Gresty Sept salary 601.2
80 26/09/2024 N Bright Sept salary 409.8
81 26/09/2024 HMRC Qtr. 2 Tax and Nic 758
82 26/09/2024 Savills allotment rent to 10/10/24 85
83 26/09/2024 Liz Jarman McMillan Prize donation 50
84 26/09/2024 Ionos Inv. 203044142215 7.8
85 04/10/2024 S Valentine Reagtool -Penfield 218.34
86 04/10/2024 P Coles EE Pond expenses 9.98
87 04/10/2024 BDG Mowing Inv. 24/1680 295.2
88 04/10/2024 Elderwood Tree Care Inv. 999 1300
89 04/10/2024 Taylor Rose VH Registration fee 250
Proposal:  To resolve and adopt and sign all the financial statements, payments and reports shown above as approved.  Proposed Cllr. Gamble, Seconded Cllr. Tatam and unanimous in favour.
c) Grass Contract for 2025 season.   
Proposal: To continue to employ the services of BDG Mowing Contractors for the grass cutting in 2025/26 season at the additional contract charge of £130 per cut.  Proposed Cllr. Gamble, Seconded Cllr. Tatam and unanimous in favour-RESOLVED.
d) Policy for Grants.   
Proposal: To resolve and adopt the policy for Grant applications.  Proposed Cllr. Tatam, Seconded Cllr. McCulloch and unanimous in favour.  Action: Clerk to post on website.
e) Budgets 2025/26
Working Groups budgets are required by 8th November.
f) 2025 Capital plan strategy.  Cllr. Farrington suggested a full assessment take place of the population demographic, with age ranges of residents to fully understand amenities needs in our community.  This will enable a list of needs, wishes and priorities to be drawn up.   Once done suggestions to build the Capital Plan Strategy can take place.  Decision then made on projects can be structurally sourced for funding streams. 
Action: Agenda item for November.
24/25-77 Working Groups 
a) Amenities – monthly report not received due to illness.
Outcomes of annual Play Inspection report for East End Park was discussed.  Action:  Cllr. Tatam would look at the wooden equipment with Penfield volunteers to see if repairs can be made.
An Amenities meeting to be called to look at report in detail.
PC container.  – Cllr. McCulloch had made an inventory of the contents of the container.  
Action:  Cllr. Tatam and Penfield Volunteers to organise the container contents.
b) Community Engagement – monthly report was noted.
Football coaching at EEP
Proposal:  To continue to allow football coaching on EEP for a suggested donation of £100 a quarter, with the proviso that he provides one free session every month for all children.  Proposed Cllr. Farrington, Seconded Cllr Tatam and unanimous in favour-RESOLVED.
Quarter 4 events action list.   The logistics of the Christmas events was discussed.
Christmas Window competition – advertised in the grapevine
Reindeer in the park and planters lights
Christmas in the parks East End   3rd December, Black Bull Green 5th December
Christmas card design winner was chosen unanimously at the meeting.
Actions: Cllr. Farrington to update the task list and co ordinate volunteers to help with actions for all the events planned.
c) Penfield – monthly report – not received as committee meeting is due the next day.
d) Cemetery – monthly report was noted.  
The application forms are being reviewed to make them easier to complete.  Action: reviewed forms to be circulated with next agenda.
Increase of cemetery fees were discussed.   Action: c/f to November meeting.
e) East End Pond – monthly report was noted.
24/25-78 Planning 
Applications considered:
S24/1532 31A East End Proposal: change of use in relation to renting out the property on short term lets through Air BnB.  Response: neutral We have no objection to this change of use.
S24/1604 26 Cloven Ends Proposal: Section 73 application to vary Condition 2 (Approved Plans and for the approval of details of Condition 4 (Landscaping) of planning permission s23/1164 (Erection of one detached dwelling)  Response: neutral We have no objection to these proposals to vary a previously approved planning application 
S23/1613 38 The Rides, PE6 9RR Proposal: Single storey rear extension.  Response: Support.  We have no objection to this planning application 
24/25-79 Report from Councillors on meetings they have attended as Parish Council Representatives
a) Pavilion Park Sports Fields meeting with SKDC.  Cllr. Farrington and Tatam had recently attended a meeting.  SKDC have not kept up with their tenants maintenance of buildings (as per their lease) as they have not had the manpower to administer this and had larger priorities.  SKDC are currently in the process of doing reports but cannot share these with LPC, as they are confidential between landlord and tenant.  However, SKDC said they would let LPC know the outcome of the costs of works required once reports are finalised.   SKDC are now talking about next year for this.    The SEA is restricted on what they can do, there have been conflicting cost reports produced.   
Action:   Cllrs. Farrington and Tatam to write up pros and cons of taking on the park once correct financial information is received.   It was stressed that if this is to be pursued a strong Management Committee would be required to take this forward.  
c) Deepings Practice, the Deepings PPG  full report on website.  https://langtoft.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/downloads/file/1745/parish-council-qa-4-september-2024.   The nature of ailments is more complex post covid and this is causing the need for additional appointments required.   The Practice is trying to sort out appointment system, and  have made available extra evening and weekends appointments.  They have had additional funding for a PC network which is for mental health, joints clinics with different practitioners however they still have to be overseen by Doctors.  
d) Employment Rights Bill.  A new bill has come into force regarding employment rights.
Action:  New policy to be drafted to conform with new legislation.
24/25-80 Correspondence was noted from the agenda.
24/25-81 To receive Items for Future Meetings
Consideration of Reserves policy when preparing budget for 2025/26
To receive, consider and resolve donation request from Langtoft Players
Communication Policy (which covers social media)
Demographic of Village.  Review and discuss current community provision and current/future additional needs
Grapevine distribution volunteers
Date of future meetings:  2024: 26 Nov
2025. 7 Jan, 04 Mar, 1 Apr, 13 May, 24 June, 2 Sept, 14 Oct, 25th Nov   Annual Parish Meeting TBC
Meeting closed at 21:02
To add wording

22 October 2024 Parish Council meeting were amended to include an item regarding the clearing of the parish council container this was added to the Action Tracker as a task.  The

Minutes were then deemed to be a true and accurate record of events.