Why we need Volunteers.

Achieving the overall plan for both the village and more importantly Nature itself it needs a group of volunteers of all ages, skills and abilities to help create and then maintain this wonderful enviable village asset. If you could spare a few hours to help please click HERE thank you.

There are two areas where volunteers are required:

  • One is the Management Committee where plans for action and work are discussed and decided. These range from asking other institutions for guidance and possible visits, e.g. The Landyke Trust, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, and others that would assist in making this a flourishing Nature Reserve.
  • The second area is where hands-on work is required and maybe someone local with the necessary specialist skills that make for a faster result. These working parties usually take place on Wednesday mornings starting at 09:30 until approximately 12:00 - 12:30 depending upon the ability to leave the 'Work area' in a safe condition. At some times of the year there are working parties on Saturday mornings at the same time and duration. This work is not necessarily strenous and can be undertaken by most able-bodied people. It can range from helping to erect fencing, applying protective coatings to fences and gates or benches. In some instances it is necessary to remove small sprouting trees to allow others to grow unhindered.

Future and ongoing Maintainance work

Ongoing site maintenance including grass strimming, self-set sapling removal, path levelling and general improvement to the many diverse areas..

A sand martin box is being constructed for installation over the winter of 2022, also Bat boxes will be installed

A general noticeboard is to be installed and there will be further information panels around the site.

We will be seeking funding for a viewing platform with access for wheelchairs close to the parking area. This will provide good views across the reserve and the bird feeders.

Please seriously consider offering some of your time to this village asset, you are not expected to undertake work beyond your capability, it is your decision as to what work you do. There maybe working parties each week but you are not obliged to attend each one.You would be notified via some electronic method each week and expected to reply with your availability. If you are able to volunteer please click HERE thank you.

All equipment is maintained and supplied.

Additionally all work related risks have been identified and assessed, these can be found via the link below.

P.N.R. Risk Assessments 2021

There are other policies listed below that are necessary for us to have in place for all workers on site. Please do not be put off from volunteering by their existence they are basically common sense, the exception being the legally required Safeguarding policy.

Penfield Volunteer Policy

Penfield Safeguarding Policy

Penfield Maintenance works Strimmer use Policy

If you could spare a few hours to help please click HERE thank you.