Penfield Volunteer Policy
a) This document sets out the policy and procedures relating to the engagement and management of volunteers in activities authorised by the Parish Council. The Parish Council recognises that volunteering can benefit the Council, the community and the volunteers themselves.
The Policy
a) This policy applies to volunteers undertaking work / duties on behalf of, but not directly employed by, the Council.
b) Volunteers must be adequately trained to be able to carry out the role. The exact nature of the training will depend on the role. It is not possible to detail what constitutes ‘adequacy’ as requirements will vary according to:
i) The job or activity;
ii) The existing competency of volunteers;
iii) The circumstances of the work (e.g. the degree of supervision);
iv) The tools and/or equipment being used.
c) The training standard, however, must be sufficient to ensure the Health and Safety of volunteers and any people who might be affected by the work, as far as reasonably practicable.
d) Responsibility for providing training rests with the individual to whom authority has been provided by the Council to undertake the work / duty.
e) Volunteers, if working for only a few hours to help at an event or similar, must still be informed about the task and its purpose, Health and Safety and supervision arrangements. Responsibility for this rests with the individual to whom authority has been provided by the Council to undertake the work.
f) It is our policy not to discriminate against our volunteers on the basis of their gender, sexual orientation, marital or civil partner status, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, disability or age, or pregnancy.
g) Volunteers must undergo an induction appropriate for the task(s) being undertaken. This must include Health and Safety, what to do if there is a problem and an introduction to other relevant individuals. Responsibility for the induction rests with the individual to whom authority has been provided by the Council to undertake the work.
h) A risk assessment must be undertaken in order to identify risks that might be faced and how they will be managed. If an area of activity presents a significant risk, consideration must be given to reducing or stopping the activity which gives rise to the risk.
i) The Council, through the office of its Clerk or other person(s) as advised, must receive a copy of such risk assessment records. Responsibility for undertaking the rests with the individual to whom authority has been provided by the Council to undertake the work. Risk assessments and their associated paperwork must comply with current Health and Safety at Work legislation.
j) Volunteers are covered under the Council’s Public Liability and Employers’ Liability cover.
k) Minimum levels of PPE (suitable footwear, gloves, safety goggles etc.) must be worn when undertaking such activities. Prior to work commencing, a visual inspection must be carried out to ensure that there are no obvious hazards such as litter, glass or stones.
l) Responsibility for undertaking the inspection rests with the individual or group to whom authority has been provided by the Council to undertake the work. Remedial action must be taken immediately, and these inspections are to be recorded. The Council cannot be held liable for any injury caused by the use or misuse of tools or faulty equipment.
m) The use of cleaning materials must not be stronger than those available on shop shelves; however, no chemicals can be mixed.
n) High visibility vests or other appropriate clothing must be worn where appropriate.
o) Jewellery, necklaces, watches and the like must not be worn where they compromise the safe working environment for the volunteer.
p) Trainers, open-toed shoes, heeled shoes or sandals must not be worn if the safe working environment for the volunteer is compromised.
q) Long hair must be tied up if it is deemed that it could compromise Health and Safety requirements.
r) All work undertaken by volunteers shall have regard to the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and all other Health and Safety Legislation.
s) Out of pocket expenses will not be paid to any volunteer / group without prior permission being granted (receipts to be produced / claim form to be completed and submitted).
t) Volunteers must inform the Management group or Council of the work they intend to undertake before commencement.
Additional comments from Pete Coles
As a minimum, adults working or volunteering on behalf of the council and responsible for the care or supervision of children aged 16 or 17 should hold a DBS certificate requested by Langtoft Parish Council.”
In reality, the above condition means that Penfield volunteer work party Team Leaders will need to hold a certificate (Andy Hallam, Augy Harrison, Pete Coles plus any other Mgt team members who act as team leaders).
The government charge £44 per check but the .gov page says its free for volunteers
Having the certificate will give parents or guardians an increased level of a confidence that their children will be safe. Is this a change that can be proposed and voted on at next weeks meeting ?
For information, Assessment 2 of the Penfield Nature Reserve Risk Assessment document already includes the following safeguarding precautions for children aged 16 and 17:
Volunteers in this age group should never be left working out of view of the Team Leader. Unless circumstances make this impossible, each volunteer in the 16-17 year age group should work in a group with two or more adults, that is, adults should always outnumber 16-17 year olds. In the event that the only volunteers in a working party are 16-17 year olds, the Team Leader should supervise them very closely, essentially doing no work themselves but simply supervising the volunteers.
This precaution has two purposes. The first is to safeguard the children in respect that no adult is ever alone with a child and at least one adult with that child will have been DBS checked. The second purpose is to protect the adult volunteers i.e. it provides adult volunteers protection from malicious allegations.