Penfield Safeguarding Policy
Langtoft Parish Council
Penfield Safeguarding Policy
The aim of the policy is to ensure that all members of staff, volunteers and any contractors know what is required to protect and keep children and vulnerable adults safe from harm as a result of physical, sexual or emotional abuse.
Children and vulnerable adults in society have the right to participate, have fun and be safe in the activities that they participate in or are chosen for them by parents, carers or guardians.
To provide staff and volunteers, as well as children and young people and their families, with the overarching principles that guide our approach to child protection.
This policy will help to maintain a safe and positive environment for children and adults.
- Children and young people: anyone under the age of 18
- Vulnerable adult: someone who is over the age of 18 who is in need of care services for reasons of illness, disability or mental health. Someone who may be unable to protect themselves from harm or exploitation.
Legal Framework
This policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect children in England.
Working together to safeguard Children DfE 2018
Keeping Children Safe in Education DfE 2019
Keeping Children safe in out of school settings: code of practice 2020
Safeguarding Vulnerable groups Act 2006
Children and families Act 2014
NSPCC Introductory Guide to Safeguarding and Child Protection for the Voluntary and Community Sector
NSPCC Safeguarding Standards and Guidance 2021
Objectives of the Policy
- To ensure where possible all facilities and activities offered by Langtoft Parish Council (LPC) and its committees are designed and maintained to limit risk to children and vulnerable adults.
- To promote the general wellbeing, health and development of children by being aware of safeguarding concerns and being able to respond appropriately as a local government organisation.
- To develop procedures in recording and responding to accidents and complaints and to alleged or suspected incidents of abuse or neglect.
- Endeavour to protect children and young people from harm by using as appropriate the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and a safer recruitment procedure for both employees and volunteers.
- As Langtoft Parish Council does not provide any care or supervision services for children or vulnerable adults it expects all children and vulnerable adults with care and support needs who attend events or use its facilities to do so with the necessary supervision and consent of parents, carers or guardians.
- To ensure that we give equal priority to keeping all children, young people and young adults safe regardless of their age, gender, disability, race, gender reassignment, religion or belief and sexual orientation.
- To take any concern by child, vulnerable adult, employee, contractor or volunteer seriously and manage it sensitively and appropriately in line with procedures written in this policy.
Use of photography, video, social media.
Photograph’s, audio recordings, videos or any kind of other media must not be used without the express permission of the parent, carer or guardian
Types of abuse
Abuse covers any kind of harm resulting from physical, mental, sexual abuse including bullying and including neglect that leads to injury or harm. For vulnerable adults this also includes financial abuse.
- Neglect is where people fail to meet a child’s or vulnerable person’s basic physical / psychological needs and is likely to result in the serious impairment of their health or development, e.g. failure to ensure that a child is protected from unnecessary risk of injury, or exposing them to undue cold.
- Physical Abuse is where physical pain or injury is caused, e.g. hitting, shaking, biting, etc.
- Sexual Abuse is where children or vulnerable adults knowingly or unknowingly take part in an activity that meets the sexual needs of the other person or persons involved. This includes inappropriate photography or videoing.
- Emotional / Mental Abuse is where there is persistent emotional ill treatment that causes severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s or vulnerable person’s emotional status e.g. bullying (including cyber and text bullying), constant criticism and unrealistic pressure to perform.
- It is important to recognise that disabled children may be particularly vulnerable to abuse and may have added difficulties in communicating what is happening Dependency on others for primary needs, e.g feeding and clothing may make a person feel powerless to report abusive treatment.
If a person discloses abuse by someone else:
- Stay calm, take the allegation seriously
- Allow the person to speak without interruption, accepting what is said.
- DO NOT investigate the disclosure.
- Only ask questions for clarification. Do not ask leading questions.
- Alleviate feelings of guilt and isolation, while passing no judgement. Reassure them that they did the right thing by talking to you.
- Advise that you will try to offer support, but that you MUST pass the information on, do not offer to keep secrets.
- Record the facts as you know them.
- Refer the allegation immediately and directly to the appropriate person who will be the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
- All allegations must be referred, no matter how insignificant they seem to be, or when they occur.
- Try to ensure that no-one is placed in a position which could cause further compromise.
- As soon as possible after the incident or disclosure write down notes, dates, times, facts, observations, and verbatim speech.
- Ensure the correct details are available, the young person’s / vulnerable adult’s name and address, and the name and address of their parent or guardian.
- The DSL will immediately contact Customer Services at Lincolnshire Children’s Safeguarding Partnership.
- With the DSL prepare a confidential file. Record all notes, conversations and advice from LCSP. Confidentiality has to be maintained. Do not discuss the disclosure with anyone
- The DSL will store this information in a secure place with limited access to designated people, in line with data protection legislation.
- Follow the advice from LCSP; take no other action unless advised to do so
Members, staff, volunteers and contracted service providers must not discuss allegations of abuse, substantiated or not, with anyone other than in connection with the formal investigation. Where it is necessary to put in procedures to prevent continuing abuse the matter should be shared with the DSL so that appropriate risk assessments may be undertaken.
The administration of first aid to children, young people and vulnerable adults can present risks. Under ordinary circumstances, a child or young person and vulnerable persons can be administered with first aid only if their parent or guardian expressly permits this course of action. When administering first aid, wherever possible, employees should ensure that another adult is present, or is aware of the action being taken. Parents/carers should always be informed when first aid is administered. Child welfare is of paramount importance. In certain circumstances members, employees, volunteers and contracted service providers may undertake first aid as a last resort, notifying parents / carers as soon as possible, to minimise a child’s or vulnerable adult’s distress. Langtoft Parish Council will have a register of trained First Aiders and ensure that training is up to date or ensure that trained First Aiders from a recognised association is present at events that may require such level of First Aid.
Nominated Child Protection Lead
Name: Andy Halfhide Chairman of LPC
Lincolnshire Child Safeguarding Partnership
Phone: 01522 782111 (office hours)
01522 782333 (outside office hours)
Phone/email: NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000
We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.
Adopted: Minute Reference: Date:
Date of Review of this Policy: May 2022