Progress update to February 2024

Swans and ducks old pond

Over the past year or so a lot of hard work has been carried out by a handful of volunteers on most Saturdays.

We are all aware that the pond had been neglected for years, was overgrown and had some rubbish dumped in it, action was needed.

Please remember that before starting this long term project, surveys were required along with expert guidance as to how to achieve the desired outcome, namely to create an interesting and diverse area for nature and a calming relaxed interesting place for people.

This project was not going to be a cheap and quick fix, it would need some funding possibly from companies and other various funds.

there would need to a be team of volunteers along with a team Leader who would feedback to the Parish council progress etc.

Some specific habitats needed to be created and these will reuse most of the materials that have been made available through the work.

Some of the volunteers learnt new skills that were required to create some of the diverse habitats: - 

  • Dead-Hedging utilises the trimmed and removed scrub, small tree branches and twigs
  • Log and soil area at waters edge using cut up felled tree trunks.

After consultation with several trusted and recommended tree arborists and tree surgeons a list of what treatment was needed for specific trees was produced.

The advice received resulted in: -

  • Many of the trees needed work, but it would have to be over several years
  • Some established trees required trimming
  • Some established trees required polarding
  • Some established trees needed removing completely
  • Most of the self-set trees were removed to allow more light and maintain water levels longer.

The pictures below were taken on November 5th 2023.

A view from the Barn Owl Close entrance pathway.

Reflection, pond


Showing where some of the old multi-trunk trees have been removed.



Nature is showing recovery.



More light is now available for everything to show and grow.



What a difference and a nice view. 


As work progressed it was decided to install some information boards explaining what had been crteated and why.

A good starting point is with the History of the 'Fish' Pond'.

East end pond history


One of the original bank barriers.

Old Bank barrier


April 2022, before major work began.

pond april 2022

That's a better view, Spring 2024 Daffodils and Willow pollen.

Daffodils and tree pollen


The newly built Hibernaculum.


What's it for?

hibernaculum info sign


The Dead Hedge created along the boring wire fence.

Dead hedge

What's it for?

Dead hedge info


An adapted and modified multi-trunked tree stump.

Stage beetle pyramid

What's it for?

Stage beetle pyramid info


Useful and educational for everyone, some tree identifier lables.

Tree identifier labels

Excellent work by a small team of volunteers lead by Pete Coles

As the pond now has water in it albeit only seasonal a Risk Assesment is required, accessed from HERE.