Stowe Road Travelling towards Shop, Traffic Data.

All speed indicator data for the Stowe Road travelling towards the shop and the village crossroads is accessible from this page.
Remember that not every month will have data as the signs are relocated periodically.
The data captured represents vehicle volumes travelling through the village on the Stowe Road towards the shop and our crossroads passing 2 Ash Close where the sign is situated.
Please click on the inks below and then select your chosen data.
If you want to compare selected weekly data by opening the data in a new window, right click the week’s link and then select your option.
2022 Stowe Road Towards Shop Traffic Data Analysis
2021 Stowe Road Towards Shop Traffic Data Analysis
Monthly Summaries per year, remember that not every month will have data.
2022 Stowe Road Towards Shop Monthly Summaries
2021 Stowe Road Towards Shop Monthly Summaries