We are writing to let you know that on Friday 16 February 2024, the Examining Authority (ExA) submitted its Recommendation to the Secretary of State for the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ). 


This means the 3-month Recommendation stage of the DCO application process has come to an end, which is the time during which the ExA writes its confidential report and recommendation to DESNZ as to whether our DCO application for Mallard Pass should be granted or not.  


We are now in the Decision stage, which also lasts three months, and is the time during which the Secretary of State for DESNZ reviews and considers the ExA’s recommendation and decides whether or not to grant the DCO.  


To find out more about the DCO application process, please visit the PINS webpage linked here. To view a presentation about the DCO process, please click here for a PINS’ informational video, or click here to read a transcript. 


We are pleased to move into the Decision stage and look forward to hearing the Secretary of State’s decision. We would again like to thank all those who participated throughout the process and helped us develop our plans to deliver renewable, low-cost solar energy to UK consumers while also providing recreational benefits to the local community and biodiversity net gains for the local environment.  


You can continue to contact the project team directly by emailing us at info@MallardPassSolar.co.uk, writing to FREEPOST MALLARD PASS SOLAR FARM, or calling  

0808 196 8717. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me or a member of the team at the details provided.  


Yours sincerely,  


Sarah Price  

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Published: Monday, 26th February 2024